PC World mentions Fallout4 as game of the year even though they think it's a bad game


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Staff member
PC World has done a list of top 10 best PC games this year.

Unsurprisingly enough Failout 4 is on the list. What I find funny is that the guys who nominates it also trash talks it. First of all it's not Fallout 4 on the list, it's Fallout 4 with mods.
Also Brad knows it's a bad game even though he finds some aspects of it addicting (is addictive gameplay really whats makes a game good?).

Brad: Yeah, the inventory’s still janky. Yeah, the voice and dialogue changes suck. Yeah, the loot system is a step back, and the settlement building is unintuitive. But dammit, Fallout 4 ’s core exploration/gunplay loop is just so damned addicting I can’t put it down. This isn’t the game hardcore Fallout fans were hoping for—it’s even difficult to call it an RPG, as the whiny-voiced main character never felt like my own—but Fallout 4 is still a fun, expansive game that you can (mostly) happily sink entire days of your life into.

Hayden: Bethesda’s version of Fallout 4 wouldn’t make my game of the year list. But then someone pointed me toward the Atom Bomb Baby mod, which lets you replace your mini-nuke stash with exploding babies. Now the game gets to be on this list.

e: Maybe something for the news?
"This game is a pile of shit, oh wait...you can download a mod that lets you shoot out baby Shauns that look like baby dolls? 10/10 GOTY!"

What a joke, how does one lousy mod make a terrible game worth game of the year? Yeah whatever I'm not even going to question it. As for the gunplay, they've obviously never played a good FPS before or a good game I'm sure.
I would think if "it's dumb, but I had fun" makes your top 10 list, it was either a really weak year or you simply didn't play that many games.

At least Necrodancer is on there, that game is amazing.
Is there a serious mainstream website that reviews games which is not lenient, overly complacent and does anything but criticize/analyze? I think not, I am afraid. Honest to heart, logical criticism is hardly acceptable these days. That is just 'hating' and 'whining'. IGN (ugh), PC World, seriously?
PC World is shit. Moving right along. :cool:

I agree Maximum PC and PC gamer are much better.

I... Don't know even how to reply to this. Honestly.

Except maybe... What in the goddamn fuck?

I know right just because a video game is fun after being modded doesn't mean that the base game doesn't suck. Mods should have no merit on how good the vanilla game is.
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It's not like we were expecting (or more precisely, HOPING) for some all-new, revolutionary, never-done-before type of game. We just wanted a good Fallout game, an universe that has good, developed lore, that has an awesome aesthetic, that has most of the worldbuilding done a long time ago. The concept of a good RPG seems foreign to them, and THAT in the moment we're living in, where infinity games are being revived with success by popular demand.

But you can shoot ATOMIC BABIES? 10/10, obviously.
Fallout New Vegas has proven very well that you don't have to sacrifice plot, roleplaying and gameplay on the altar of profit. If done well. I am pretty confident, that if New Vegas was released as Fallout 3, with the same amount of marketing, buzz and hype around it, it would have sold probably almost as much like Bethesdas Fallout 3. But, that is just my opinion, there is no way to prove that.
Oh look these writers of the article used the old "Mods will fix it!" argument.

From the article:
"In all seriousness, this is why we play PC games. It’s not that Fallout 4 is bad, per se, but it’s infinitely better when the community’s fixed its weird dialogue system, the janky menus, and other Bethesda-style quirks."

Remember folks, the bugs, unpolished lack of effort, and everything else that is bad about Fallout 4 are all *FEATURES of Bethesda games, not problems.

And this is not why I play PC games as the authors state. I play PC games because I can make great games better with mods that improve already good games. I do NOT play PC games to make awful, unpolished games barely playable with mods.
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It's not like we were expecting (or more precisely, HOPING) for some all-new, revolutionary, never-done-before type of game. We just wanted a good Fallout game, an universe that has good, developed lore, that has an awesome aesthetic, that has most of the worldbuilding done a long time ago. The concept of a good RPG seems foreign to them, and THAT in the moment we're living in, where infinity games are being revived with success by popular demand.

But you can shoot ATOMIC BABIES? 10/10, obviously.

They have already proven time and time again that they think the Fallout series is an fps series, rather than an RPG which it is. I'm not opposed to the games being controlled through an fps perspective but don't strip all the RPG elements out of the game and turn it into a generic shooter game when that is not what the Fallout series was supposed to be.
It's not like we were expecting (or more precisely, HOPING) for some all-new, revolutionary, never-done-before type of game. We just wanted a good Fallout game, an universe that has good, developed lore, that has an awesome aesthetic, that has most of the worldbuilding done a long time ago. The concept of a good RPG seems foreign to them, and THAT in the moment we're living in, where infinity games are being revived with success by popular demand.

But you can shoot ATOMIC BABIES? 10/10, obviously.

They have already proven time and time again that they think the Fallout series is an fps series, rather than an RPG which it is. I'm not opposed to the games being controlled through an fps perspective but don't strip all the RPG elements out of the game and turn it into a generic shooter game when that is not what the Fallout series was supposed to be.
They didn't even do that right. Not once while playing the game did I ever feel like it was a good shooter, mediocre, yes.
I noticed on Metacritic they made the Genre listing for Fallout 4 "General" while Witcher 3 is still Role-Playing lol. I guess everyone admits it's just a shallow Far Cry knockoff with the worst dialogue system in the history of videogames, loading screens that make my SSD look like a mechanical HDD, and just happens to have the artistic style of Fallout.

I know it's just an opinion but I feel that anyone claiming Fallout 4 is GOTY over Witcher 3 is paid marketing.

Mods that make the guns do funny and cool things are not going to make this turd anymore polished. It's still going to be a shallow, badly voice-acted husk of what once was a great RPG.

If I'm going to expose myself to the risks of modding it's going to be for a game that was already good in the first place.
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They have already proven time and time again that they think the Fallout series is an fps series, rather than an RPG which it is. I'm not opposed to the games being controlled through an fps perspective but don't strip all the RPG elements out of the game and turn it into a generic shooter game when that is not what the Fallout series was supposed to be.
They didn't even do that right. Not once while playing the game did I ever feel like it was a good shooter, mediocre, yes.

I always thought New Vegas was a bad shooter for an RPG, and Fallout 4 is a fairly mediocre shooter for... oh wait...
I don't know how this game is fun let alone addictive, I installed over 10 mods for it and I can't pick the game back up. I mean it's SOOO boring that even the mods I was using didn't give me some sort of urge to play it again. I've been playing older and way better games worth my time since then so it doesn't matter.
I don't know how this game is fun let alone addictive, I installed over 10 mods for it and I can't pick the game back up. I mean it's SOOO boring that even the mods I was using didn't give me some sort of urge to play it again. I've been playing older and way better games worth my time since then so it doesn't matter.
But... Mods will fix it... Right?
I don't know how this game is fun let alone addictive, I installed over 10 mods for it and I can't pick the game back up. I mean it's SOOO boring that even the mods I was using didn't give me some sort of urge to play it again. I've been playing older and way better games worth my time since then so it doesn't matter.

I actually had fun and found it addictive. In the beginning. While the whole thing was shiny and new and all that jazz. I mean, I thought we were on to something here... The first thing that hit me (aside from the whole dialogue/voiced shit, obviously) was when I couldn't talk Kellogg down. Then I thought "Wait... You mean my only option is to kill this guy?". Then I found a nailboard that somehow froze people. The I started noticing how much of the game's content was really only radiant shit (which I refused to believe at first, in a comedic manner).

Finally, I was just thinking, let's finish this thing and at least see all the choices and endings. And boy was I disappointed... All that work for a "Yay, you finished it! Keep playing if you want, nothing's really changed".

EDIT: Not to mention ressurecting-raiders-turned-legendary-bullet-sponges