PC World has done a list of top 10 best PC games this year.
Unsurprisingly enough Failout 4 is on the list. What I find funny is that the guys who nominates it also trash talks it. First of all it's not Fallout 4 on the list, it's Fallout 4 with mods.
Also Brad knows it's a bad game even though he finds some aspects of it addicting (is addictive gameplay really whats makes a game good?).
e: Maybe something for the news?
Unsurprisingly enough Failout 4 is on the list. What I find funny is that the guys who nominates it also trash talks it. First of all it's not Fallout 4 on the list, it's Fallout 4 with mods.
Also Brad knows it's a bad game even though he finds some aspects of it addicting (is addictive gameplay really whats makes a game good?).
Brad: Yeah, the inventory’s still janky. Yeah, the voice and dialogue changes suck. Yeah, the loot system is a step back, and the settlement building is unintuitive. But dammit, Fallout 4 ’s core exploration/gunplay loop is just so damned addicting I can’t put it down. This isn’t the game hardcore Fallout fans were hoping for—it’s even difficult to call it an RPG, as the whiny-voiced main character never felt like my own—but Fallout 4 is still a fun, expansive game that you can (mostly) happily sink entire days of your life into.
Hayden: Bethesda’s version of Fallout 4 wouldn’t make my game of the year list. But then someone pointed me toward the Atom Bomb Baby mod, which lets you replace your mini-nuke stash with exploding babies. Now the game gets to be on this list.
e: Maybe something for the news?