Recent content by Gnidrologist

  1. G

    Fallout Officially is Bethesda/Dead

    Why would anyone want to have a remake of f1/2 from these troglodytes in the first place? Who inquired that? The guardian? I do hope they stick to their fantasy single player mmorpgs that are at least decent time sinks and good for what they are and not make embarrassingly grotesque parodies of...
  2. G

    Kotaku profiles No Mutants Allowed and hating Fallout 3

    What a wishy-washy hogwash. First of all every criticism of Bethesda and their vision of Fallout (which was clear as mud from the get go - Oblibians With Guns) was received as ''hostile fallout fanboying'' by the Tes drones. Obviously, most of them didn't care about fallout games and were happy...
  3. G

    Censorship? There is no censorship!

    Yes. By shouting randomly on streets, writing columns in press or participating in TV shows, random public happenings. Just like now. Yes, indeed. It's questionable though what makes you say so, because you don't act according to those sound tenets.
  4. G

    Censorship? There is no censorship!

    Then we are on the same frequency, because i'm merely observer. Most of what i've seen from anti-gg bunch was putrid deranged rambling and userIDs i mentioned are only the ones i remember. To neutral it may almost seem that there is no such thing as GG and anti-gg, because only the rancid people...
  5. G

    Censorship? There is no censorship!

    Likewise there can be named horrendous people from the opposite side like Randy Harper, Mcintosh and that Wu thing, but guess what, they are being deemed almost champions of la rezistance or that's what ''everyone in the press thinks'', right? How about everyone who brings on their arguments in...
  6. G

    Censorship? There is no censorship!

    Why isn't later also explainable by history and tradition? Why is it ok for garbage disposers to be 99% men, cuz tradhishuns, but not ok for later because of the same reasons? And why for the love of God you feel ''disturbed'' about that. Disturbance is a strong emotion, not something relied to...
  7. G

    Censorship? There is no censorship!

    Guess you're the one with deep understanding in biology then. So explain to us how the 'infamous' graphs with IQ curves/profession distribution are ought to be understand correctly. Because at face value they are pretty self explanatory. Btw, i never heard explanations for social realities like...
  8. G

    Censorship? There is no censorship!

    i mean, biotruthism...
  9. G

    Are games art? Well, Fallout 3 is getting there

    Fallout 3 is like Mona Lisa after cosmetic surgery and breast implants. New and improved art.
  10. G

    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #86

    Sliced bread is shit. Because of being already in sliced form for several days till consumption it looses most of the flavour and that nice crisp of freshly baked loaf. Convenient, yes. But dreadful from a gastranomic point of view. It would be the same as keeping beer in a vessels which are not...
  11. G

    Emil speaks on Fallout 3 combat, armor and more.

    Good to hear everything will be allright.
  12. G

    “Bethesda Softworks Can Suck It”

    Wow, is that Rex? Has he gone mad? I was looking forward to :?
  13. G

    "Forgotten" PC games

    They are forgotten, because they're not made this year. If they would make a list of ''forgotten composers'', it would include Bach, Beethoven and Mozart.
  14. G

    Inside the Vault - Adam Adamowicz

    Sob stories like that kinda explains why some talanted software developing craftsmen end up in cheap sellout-whore companies like Beth. I'd do the same thing, if i was him. If he's miserable tail about Guns for Psygnosis was true, of course. And yeah, mudcrabs hate deppressive game developers...