Bleep bloop.
That is how you responsibly lead an organisation though. What you describe is pretty much how any self respected organisation/party out there works. Hell, even the Dalai Lama gives the direction for his followers and kicks out opositions.None of this is the problem. None of what you just said gives us orwellian vibes. It's saying 'We need to control the message, i.e you have to get in line, and we kick out anybody who says things we don't like' that gives us orwellian feelings. Because it's fucking authoritarian.
Could you imagine NMA without rules where everyone is free to say whatever they want, throwing out any insult etc.? It would end up like GamerGate.
The RPGcodex functions like that for the most part. And it has discussions on a far higher level than here. As long as you stay out of general discussion.
Kicking people out for what they say is not mature. Being able to deal with some words you don't like, that's maturity.
TheWesDude said:-snip-
Are you seriously suggesting gun control is bad?
MrBtongue denounces GamerGate. Despite what Sander has said in the past, I'm perfectly capable of looking past an opposing opinion. Because he makes good videos, idgaf.
https://www.youtube.com/all_comments?v=PWElVmXXC6UTotal Biscuit said:Let me put it this way. No sane person would ever become a figurehead for Gamergate. They will be attacked, harassed and threatened by people in the industry for doing so. Boogie2988 was banned from NeoGAF for even attempting to be neutral, he had his livelihood threatened in the process. I've received countless death-threats and been on the receiving end of various smear campaigns simply for suggesting that yes there are some ethical issues that should be looked at.
Nobody would assume a leadership role in this thing, it's painting a giant target on their forehead for some really horrible people to aim at and pro-tip, those people "oppose" Gamergate, whatever that entails.

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