The closest I come to think of is probably NVEC, consisting of hundreds of mods and fixes.
A bit over the top for my taste, but if you haven't seen or tried it yet you'll find it on nexus.
A new Mutant? Really?!? :shock:
Hmm.. I'm pretty certain I could round up a decent crowd for some old fashioned p'n'p rpg once it has been rolled out.
Only problem is that I probably wouldn't have the time needed for a (or several) full campaign(s). :(
Life is a different now than 30...
Maybe a bit over the top, but I'm currently planning on trying NVEC out after my current FO3 playthrough is finished:
A name somehow fitting the "Primitive tribe" symbol/facepaint wouldn't hurt.
Tough choice... while "Umbra" perhaps is the better sounding, I have to go with the spirits here.
It probably would on quite low settings.
Watch this video:
You might also want to hunt for some performance improving mods/tweaks on:
For example:
Fallout Stutter Remover
NMCs_Texture_Pack_for_FO3 ("LITE...
Off-topic extravaganza...
Spotted the word "Opeth" and had to check it out myself.
Doesn't sound much like Opeth to me and that's certainly not a bad thing in this case - especially considering their awful latest effort which I obviously won't mention by name.
Besides "Watershed"...
I've tested it for a few hours now (new save) and have only encountered one bug (which I suspect is an engine bug?) so far.
Got a CTD while handling the inventory (actually, moving a lit flare from hand to inventory, which in itself is quite a stupid thing to do... especially when placing it...
S-6. Scored above average in the tests before military service (although I later succeeded in my task to get an exemption warrant).
P-8. Always on a quest to find anything out of the ordinary (and typically comment on it).
E-3. Couch potato, but quite pain-resistant...hence the high figure...
I was just about to download this, but neither rapidshare (interrupted downloads after only a few MB) or depositfiles (removed) worked for me.
Any chance that some kind person perhaps has made a torrent or can point me to another source?
I'm currently doing what you're considering, i.e. playing through Fallout 3 with some heavy modding going on...
Go here and search for:
Primary Needs (not using this myself)
Responsive Kill Reactions
Weapon Mod Kits
RH IronSights - FOSE
Tactical Combat...