Recent content by Hoplite

  1. Hoplite

    Back, jackholes

    Back, jackholes
  2. Hoplite

    I leave for a month and you guys ban Alec :(

    I leave for a month and you guys ban Alec :(
  3. Hoplite

    And the book is progressing s...l...o....w....l...y

    And the book is progressing s...l...o....w....l...y
  4. Hoplite

    So the game pretty much is canned until I get a group of people willing to help me with it

    So the game pretty much is canned until I get a group of people willing to help me with it
  5. Hoplite

    Sorry for not being on much, I've been super busy

    Sorry for not being on much, I've been super busy
  6. Hoplite

    @TorontoReign @KingArthur how y'all been?

    @TorontoReign @KingArthur how y'all been?
  7. Hoplite

    Fucking finally, I'm 18 as of yesterday. I can legally say heck now

    Fucking finally, I'm 18 as of yesterday. I can legally say heck now
  8. Hoplite

    tfw have bf, enlisting, and life is starting to get better

    tfw have bf, enlisting, and life is starting to get better
  9. Hoplite

    Dark Souls 1 and 3 were great. I refuse to talk about DS2 though.

    Dark Souls 1 and 3 were great. I refuse to talk about DS2 though.
  10. Hoplite

    Sure, lemme reinstall

    Sure, lemme reinstall
  11. Hoplite

    I forgot how horrifying Dark Souls was. I need the coke From Software was doing when they made...

    I forgot how horrifying Dark Souls was. I need the coke From Software was doing when they made Blighttown
  12. Hoplite

    My birthday is in a few months

    My birthday is in a few months
  13. Hoplite

    @TheGM I'm only 17 and not used to blood loss.

    @TheGM I'm only 17 and not used to blood loss.
  14. Hoplite

    I donated blood today. Almost passed out twice, but I filled a couple bags of plasma and platelets

    I donated blood today. Almost passed out twice, but I filled a couple bags of plasma and platelets
  15. Hoplite

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Welcome to NMA, you'll love it here