Recent content by Izual

  1. Izual

    Random news roundup

    I can confirm that we have no plans for a translation for now, but who knows what the future holds? I'd personally love to see it translated, as the book includes numerous exclusive interviews (from some members of the BIS gang plus Fargo, Ed Orman and many others - including famous modding...
  2. Izual

    Kotaku profiles No Mutants Allowed and hating Fallout 3

    That was a very good read. Also, bien joué naossano!
  3. Izual

    Kotaku articles on Fallout 1 and 3

    I wonder what's worst: temple of trials or FO3's tutorial, regardless of its skippable nature.
  4. Izual

    Kotaku ranks the Fallout games

    Your heresy knows no limits, Lexx. Although I would rank Fallout: Tactics above FNV. Unleash the horde! P.S. It is not the first time Kotaku ranks the Fallout series in a stupid way, we've been through this. Was it really news-worthy? :/
  5. Izual

    Are you enjoying WL2?

    Haah yes, found it. And the Orderite too! Nicely done, brothers.
  6. Izual

    Are you enjoying WL2?

    So far it's been great. Where's that NMA pledge stuff? In a bar or something, iirc?
  7. Izual

    Pete Hines: BGS won't announce next game at E3

    Better him than Todd Howard...
  8. Izual

    J.E. Sawyer on Real World Knowledge and Game Design

    Yes, 'if' it was a good faction, it would be a good faction... :]
  9. Izual

    Shadowrun Returns released

    Just wait for the Berlin campaign, it's promising :)
  10. Izual

    NCR Military training

    The best training there is :D
  11. Izual

    Wasteland Scooby Squad!

    Haha, nice. But 3 CH for Sarah Michelle Gellar? Cmon. :p
  12. Izual

    Shadowrun Returns released

    The save system is annoying because you have to wait to trigger an autosave before you leave the game. But honestly, it's not that bad and nobody complained when Assassin's Creed used that system on PC either. Deckers are... Hard and not really efficient, based on my own experience. But you...
  13. Izual

    Shadowrun Returns released

    That's it, finished the campaign, 13 hours. Died 5 times, in maximum difficulty setting - it was honestly easy, that sucks. Anyway, the game is great, but the end of the campaign, character-wise, it ridiculous. You spend the whole game improving your character, even at the very end, and then...
  14. Izual

    Shadowrun Returns released

    Yeah I'm eager to test the editor too :) One important thing is that when I play it I really feel like I'm in a pen&paper RPG simulator. Sometimes, it's as if there was a GM there telling me "You arrive in a place..." and describing it. The scenario of the main campaign also has a pen&paper...