What if characters from Buffy: The Vampire Slayer were Fallout 1 / 2 characters...

You've met Buffy before... what can you say about her... she doesn't play well
with others. She's a jack of all trades, but a master of none. She's a good
general purpose Fallout 2 character, but she has problems. Most notably, she
can't have more than one companion (which means Sulik). But on the other hand,
who needs a Mutant twenty-five meters behind you firing a chain gun at the very
guy you're going mano y mano with????
The other big problem is that she has to spend perks on Attributes, depending
on the direction she wants to go in. If she wants to become a sniper, she needs
Perception, Agility and Luck. If she wants to become a hardcore brawler, she
needs Strength, Agility and Luck (and maybe Mutate as well, for Jinxed). If she
wants to have more companions than Sulik and Grampy Bone, she needs Charisma
(no not that Charisma!). And that's not saying anything about the Lifegiver
levels she is forced to choose, to make up for her poor (natural) Endurance.
She spends a lot of time wandering the Wasteland. That is her curse after all -
to battle Evil wherever it lies. She will spend A LOT of time wandering the
Wasteland. Did I mention that she will spend a great deal of time wandering
through the Wasteland? But that's okay. She has already been killed (kind of),
revived, killed (for sure), resurrected, cancelled, renewed, and cancelled
again... but somehow, she continues...
Name: Buffy Age: 16 Gender: Female
Level: 01 Exp: 0 Next Level: 1,000
::: Statistics :::
Strength: 09 Hit Points: 034/034 Sequence: 09
Perception: 08 Armor Class: 008 Healing Rate: 01
Endurance: 05 Action Points: 09 Critical Chance: 007%
Charisma: 03 Melee Damage: 04 Carry Weight: 170 lbs.
Intelligence: 08 Damage Res.: 000%
Agility: 08 Radiation Res.: 010%
Luck: 07 Poison Res.: 025%
::: Traits ::: ::: Picks :::
Small Frame Small Guns
Gifted Unarmed
Poor Xander. He could amount to so much... if only he could use perks to
increase his Strength, Perception, Agility AND Luck. Then he could be another
Vasily Zaitsev. He can still be a pretty decent sniper, though, even if he is
as dumb as a box of rocks. OK, he's not that dumb. Actually, he's not dumb at
all. Just average. Average Xander. Who wants a Bozar.
Name: Xander Age: 16 Gender: Male
Level: 01 Exp: 0 Next Level: 1,000
::: Statistics :::
Strength: 05 Hit Points: 032/032 Sequence: 05
Perception: 08 Armor Class: 009 Healing Rate: 04
Endurance: 06 Action Points: 09 Critical Chance: 009%
Charisma: 04 Melee Damage: 01 Carry Weight: 150 lbs.
Intelligence: 06 Damage Res.: 000%
Agility: 09 Radiation Res.: 000%
Luck: 09 Poison Res.: 000%
::: Traits ::: ::: Picks :::
Gifted Small Guns
Fast Metabolism Big Guns
The REAL Slayer. Or at least she thinks so. Maybe the Spirit of the Slayer is
schizophrenic? She has the same supernatural toughness protecting her (she will
take both Lifegiver levels at Level 12). She can hit a little harder than
Buffy. And maybe last a little longer in battle. But she is a bit self-absorbed
(five by five? Not so much) and she REALLY doesn't play well with others.
Name: Faith Age: 16 Gender: Female
Level: 01 Exp: 0 Next Level: 1,000
::: Statistics :::
Strength: 10 Hit Points: 033/033 Sequence: 10
Perception: 06 Armor Class: 009 Healing Rate: 01
Endurance: 04 Action Points: 09 Critical Chance: 009%
Charisma: 02 Melee Damage: 05 Carry Weight: 275 lbs.
Intelligence: 07 Damage Res.: 000%
Agility: 09 Radiation Res.: 008%
Luck: 09 Poison Res.: 020%
::: Traits ::: ::: Picks :::
Gifted Unarmed
Jinxed Sneak
Ah, Charisma. Cordelia DOES play well with others. She likes being at the
center of whatever is going on. And she likes being at the center of a well-
armed posse of gunfighters. And she likes to have fun.
Name: Cordie Age: 16 Gender: Female
Level: 01 Exp: 0 Next Level: 1,000
::: Statistics :::
Strength: 05 Hit Points: 032/032 Sequence: 05
Perception: 06 Armor Class: 008 Healing Rate: 02
Endurance: 06 Action Points: 09 Critical Chance: 007%
Charisma: 08 Melee Damage: 01 Carry Weight: 150 lbs.
Intelligence: 07 Damage Res.: 000%
Agility: 08 Radiation Res.: 012%
Luck: 07 Poison Res.: 030%
::: Traits ::: ::: Picks :::
Gifted Small Guns
Sex Appeal Speech
Petty, acquisitive, shallow, disdainful and treacherous, Harmony has heard
rumors of a big city with bright lights and beautiful people, and she intends
to go there and to seek fame, fortune and celebrity. She might play a little
TOO well with others. IF you know what I mean. And I THINK that you DO.
Name: Harmony Age: 16 Gender: Female
Level: 01 Exp: 0 Next Level: 1,000
::: Statistics :::
Strength: 05 Hit Points: 036/036 Sequence: 05
Perception: 06 Armor Class: 008 Healing Rate: 02
Endurance: 08 Action Points: 09 Critical Chance: 005%
Charisma: 09 Melee Damage: 01 Carry Weight: 150 lbs.
Intelligence: 06 Damage Res.: 000%
Agility: 08 Radiation Res.: 016%
Luck: 05 Poison Res.: 040%
::: Traits ::: ::: Picks :::
Gifted Speech
Sex Appeal Barter
Supernaturally strong and armed with a mysterious artifact named "Mr. Pointy",
Kendra is more than a match for most enemies. Alluring, mysterious, possessed
of an "exotic" accent, and blessed with great sex appeal, this haughty beauty
disdains the company of others. In her opinion, travelling companions simply
get in the way.
Name: Kendra Age: 17 Gender: Female
Level: 01 Exp: 0 Next Level: 1,000
::: Statistics :::
Strength: 08 Hit Points: 031/031 Sequence: 08
Perception: 06 Armor Class: 008 Healing Rate: 01
Endurance: 04 Action Points: 09 Critical Chance: 006%
Charisma: 07 Melee Damage: 03 Carry Weight: 225 lbs.
Intelligence: 08 Damage Res.: 000%
Agility: 08 Radiation Res.: 008%
Luck: 06 Poison Res.: 020%
::: Traits ::: ::: Picks :::
Gifted Small Guns
Sex Appeal Unarmed
An intelligent but angry youth who lived on the edge, simultaneously curious
about the mysteries of the Universe, willing to experiment with drugs, and
constantly getting into fights, Rupert has mellowed with age into an
intelligent and seasoned adventurer who has some skills with both melee weapons
and advanced technology. Unfortunately he is afflicted with a stutter.
Name: Rupert Age: 35 Gender: Male
Level: 01 Exp: 0 Next Level: 1,000
::: Statistics :::
Strength: 07 Hit Points: 034/034 Sequence: 07
Perception: 07 Armor Class: 009 Healing Rate: 02
Endurance: 06 Action Points: 09 Critical Chance: 005%
Charisma: 04 Melee Damage: 02 Carry Weight: 200 lbs.
Intelligence: 09 Damage Res.: 000%
Agility: 09 Radiation Res.: 012%
Luck: 05 Poison Res.: 030%
::: Traits ::: ::: Picks :::
Chem Resistant Melee Weapons
Gifted Throwing