Recent content by Jogre

  1. Jogre

    New Vegas writers were told to dial back the Enclave

    Come to think of it, Radscorpions are a particularly egregious one. Like ok, Supermutants and Brotherhood I can kinda understand thinking "We gotta move these over" since they're iconic. But with Radscorpions It's like, we're in an entirely new environment that should have it's own wildlife...
  2. Jogre

    New Vegas writers were told to dial back the Enclave

    People tend to think of media as emerging in a vacuum, completely formed from inside the brains of creatives, but this isn't true. A lot of media is the result of conversations with executives, having to limit the scope of ambition due to budgetary or time restraints, post-hoc justifying why...
  3. Jogre

    Five Common Misconceptions about Fallout: The Series

    Either you're misremembering, or you took what Vault City characters said at face value. Vault City was one of the main importers of slaves from the Slaver's Guild. Metzger himself says it's one of the main places he wants to communicate with via radio, and if you're a Slaver, you get access to...
  4. Jogre

    Five Common Misconceptions about Fallout: The Series

    Yeah, adding fixed numbers to population in a fictional setting is often a losing game IMO.
  5. Jogre

    EFAP on Fallout

    I get the urge for this, and I don't like the guy much either. But like...Don't base your opinions on media on culture war stuff, that's extremely lame. "X person or X group of people I dislike, dislike this so I like it" and vice versa are really boring ways to come to conclusions.
  6. Jogre

    Five Common Misconceptions about Fallout: The Series

    100% I always say Fallout 2 is my favorite, and it's largely because I feel like it's the most Economically interesting - Like take Vault City for instance: A weaker game would have just made them an isolationist society, but Fallout 2 does something more interesting: It makes them actively...
  7. Jogre

    Thoughts on the brotherhood?

    Thanks. I come by every now and then to check in with how things are.
  8. Jogre

    The first Season of the Fallout tv show is out

    Back in 2016ish it used to be that this is the place people on the Fallout subreddit would tell you to avoid because "It's where all the weirdo fans of the originals who hate the new games hang out" Which means naturally we got our fair share of people coming over to defend the new games, or...
  9. Jogre

    Thoughts on the brotherhood?

    I think what Fallout 1 did well with the Brotherhood of Steel was make them less of an ideology and more of a culture. Like you get the sense that they have some ideals, but these are ambigous, and the game focuses a lot more on their mythologized history, internal politics, and cultural...
  10. Jogre

    The first Season of the Fallout tv show is out

    Boy I sure do love how anyone who's coming to check out NMA to check out the takes on what's currently one of the most discussed tv shows on right now, is going to have to sift through the "Hollywood is deliberately conspiring to destroy the White Race and Western Civilization" takes Amazing optics
  11. Jogre

    Pretend it's not happening, until someone I know dies, at which point I get freaked out at the...

    Pretend it's not happening, until someone I know dies, at which point I get freaked out at the prospect of not existing.
  12. Jogre

    I liked the idea of these little teddy bear creatures fighting an asymmetric war with a giant...

    I liked the idea of these little teddy bear creatures fighting an asymmetric war with a giant interstellar empire. I feel like the way they did it was a bit dumb, but conceptually it's great.
  13. Jogre

    I thought the sequels had potential early on, but by the time of the Third Movie, it was obvious...

    I thought the sequels had potential early on, but by the time of the Third Movie, it was obvious they had nothing.
  14. Jogre

    Arcanum does a lot of that bullshit "Unarmed combat drains your fatigue" as a way of making it...

    Arcanum does a lot of that bullshit "Unarmed combat drains your fatigue" as a way of making it doable. Like, actually I would rather not be cheesed to death by a boxer, I had enough of that in Morrowind.
  15. Jogre

    I understand the critique of Star Wars, and I think the Expanded Universe kind of ruined it a...

    I understand the critique of Star Wars, and I think the Expanded Universe kind of ruined it a bit. But, the Original Trilogy at least are excellent films, that work in cliches from Westerns, Samurai Films and general mysticism in a way that's brilliant fantasy worldbuilding.