Recent content by Kadscaner

  1. Kadscaner

    We're the courier, but no package deliveries?

    i think after getting dragged into the conflict, 6 wouldn’t care that much about delivering packages anymore. Why be a poor delivery boy when you can take over the Mojave with your army of robots or favorite faction?
  2. Kadscaner

    Science and lockpicking

    this. if i have dynamite i should be able to get inside easier at a cost of the gear inside being more deterred.
  3. Kadscaner

    Are shots to testicles really funny?

    yes. next thread plz.
  4. Kadscaner


  5. Kadscaner

    i assumed so after never hearing anything back. maybe i’ll just start my own, idk. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    i assumed so after never hearing anything back. maybe i’ll just start my own, idk. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  6. Kadscaner

    does NMA still do a podcast? i was invited back in 2016 and it never went anywhere. someone...

    does NMA still do a podcast? i was invited back in 2016 and it never went anywhere. someone lemme know cuz i am still super interested.
  7. Kadscaner

    hope everything turns out okay :)

    hope everything turns out okay :)
  8. Kadscaner

    Fallout V (What it would BE)

    We need a fallout set more in the Midwest. I’d love to see how Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, etc all faired after the bombs.
  9. Kadscaner

    After beating NV lord knows how many times, I’m finally doing my first full legion playthrough...

    After beating NV lord knows how many times, I’m finally doing my first full legion playthrough. Wish me luck buds.
  10. Kadscaner

    Lanius's bad reputation is undeserved

    I like the thought of Caesar fearing the full might of Lanius. It seems like Caesar fears anyone who could be more influential/powerful than he is. I mean look at how he treats even the mentioning of Joshua.
  11. Kadscaner

    Hey fellas, it’s been a while. What’re y’all up to? got my own apartment and have been working...

    Hey fellas, it’s been a while. What’re y’all up to? got my own apartment and have been working my ass off lately haha. Miss you guys <3
  12. Kadscaner

    Just sons of liberty

    Just sons of liberty
  13. Kadscaner

    @Prone Squanderer nice. Yesterday I picked up MGS2 for 3$ at some game store

    @Prone Squanderer nice. Yesterday I picked up MGS2 for 3$ at some game store
  14. Kadscaner

    Hey it’s been a while. What have y’all been up to? I’ve been playing Wasteland 2 for like 3 days...

    Hey it’s been a while. What have y’all been up to? I’ve been playing Wasteland 2 for like 3 days straight. Shits great.