First time out of the vault

And let me tell you... This is EXACTLY how I imagined the world of Fallout to look like after leaving the vault, when I played FO3 for the first time in 2011 I was a little let down with the general atmosphere of the game. A A month ago when I decided to buy Fallout 1&2 and I started Fallout 1 up and played for a few hours I was INSTANTLY hooked! The wide open desert wasteland and cliff faces just outside the vault and the few sparse communities is exactly how I imagined the world of Fallout to look like. No 1950s wannabe humor or toned down violence. Just a pure post apocalyptic role playing game. I LOVE the RPG elements in this game! And this may just be my opinion but I actually prefer the gameplay in fallout 1 to the newer action oriented style of the newer games.
Here's a screenshot of my player, I got lucky and found an alien blaster upon leaving the vault!! I sold it and got me a plasma rifle!!! At only level 2!!!!
Here's a screenshot of my player, I got lucky and found an alien blaster upon leaving the vault!! I sold it and got me a plasma rifle!!! At only level 2!!!!