Recent content by kruk

  1. K

    is it possible to download the older version of the mode , or maybe you could upload it?

    is it possible to download the older version of the mode , or maybe you could upload it?
  2. K

    Sorry for bothering you, but again I have a problem... I followed the overseer by train, I find...

    Sorry for bothering you, but again I have a problem... I followed the overseer by train, I find him, but when I start the dialogue with the body at Goverment Shelter, the game crashes. PS I think it might be the prblem with grabbing the text, somebody had already mentioned it XCSmotrt...
  3. K

    Fallout of Nevada - overseer problem

    Up... Help please, I am stuck and can't contiunue the game...
  4. K

    thanks for your answer

    thanks for your answer
  5. K

    Sorry for bothering you, but again I have a problem... I followed the overseer by train, I find...

    Sorry for bothering you, but again I have a problem... I followed the overseer by train, I find him, but when I start the dialogue with the body at Goverment Shelter, the game crashes. PS I think it might be the prblem with grabbing the text, somebody had already mentioned it XCSmotrt...
  6. K

    Fallout of Nevada - overseer problem

    I followed the overseer by train, I find him, but when I start the dialogue with the body at Goverment Shelter, the game crashes. I think it might be the problem with dialogue lines, as I had a similar one befroe, and some of you, kind guys, helped me :) Can I ask you for help again? Thank...
  7. K

    Fallout of Nevada - vault 8 question

    @Snikers , do you happen to know how I fix the train computer at the station?
  8. K

    Fallout of Nevada - vault 8 question

    Indeed! It was on the floor at the base. thank you , Snikers!
  9. K

    Fallout of Nevada - vault 8 question

    wow, this must be it! This quest is active. However, I do not know what device it is? I can talk to bikers at Battle Mountain, no hint from them. Coul;d you tell me what device it is ?
  10. K

    Fallout of Nevada - vault 8 question

    Yes, in Hawthorne. All quests from my "total recall" list are done / crossed out, so I do not know what to do now....
  11. K

    Fallout of Nevada - vault 8 question

    I went through the hangar in Zone 51, it shows me that I found some info about Vault 8, yet I am stuck - i don't know where to go now to proceed with the main quest. Can somebody help? Thank you.
  12. K

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Thank you! How could I miss it ;)
  13. K

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    I am stuck at hangar entrance at Zone 51. I restored electricity. But how to open the hangar door and inside?
  14. K

    fallout of nevada - bugged item

    Thanks a lot, I forgot that this is the way things are in Fallout! Thanks.
  15. K

    fallout of nevada - bugged item

    I realized I cannot use my sniper rifle. I can see it, I can equip it, but it is not possible to use / reload / aim / etc. Any ideas? Maybe sb could have a look at my save?