Recent content by Leafs433

  1. Leafs433

    Played the classic Fallout games after playing the new games.

    I'll check out what some other people think of the site and if it does actually run older games better on newer computers then I probably will get it from there as when I got fallout 2 from steam it would slow down in some areas and I had to quit and reload a few times to fix it
  2. Leafs433

    Played the classic Fallout games after playing the new games.

    Yeah I was going to get wasteland 1 from Steam if they have it and try to finish it after I learned the basics.
  3. Leafs433

    Played the classic Fallout games after playing the new games.

    I actually have played wasteland 2 on my ps4 it's a good game I finished it about a month ago and will probably play it again during the summer game drought when there is next to nothing being released.
  4. Leafs433

    Played the classic Fallout games after playing the new games.

    So my first ever fallout game was fallout 3 (I know, I know) and I enjoyed the time I had with the game and believed it to be at the time the best game I ever played...then I played fallout new vegas and that game quickly became my new favourite fallout and I still play it over and over again...