Played the classic Fallout games after playing the new games.


First time out of the vault
So my first ever fallout game was fallout 3 (I know, I know) and I enjoyed the time I had with the game and believed it to be at the time the best game I ever played...then I played fallout new vegas and that game quickly became my new favourite fallout and I still play it over and over again to this day however recently I decided to check out the original fallout games and boy was my world about to change.

I played fallout 1 a few months ago I had actually bought it from a Dollar Store (Canadian) I had never played a top down turned based game before and being as young as I Am I wasn't sure if I would be able to play it but then I just decided to say fuck it and play it anyway. It took some getting used to and I did make a new character because my first one was utter garbage (Just like fallout 4) but after that I just played and played and played I didn't even care about the game being something that people my age almost never touch I just played the game because I realized as I started my journey into the California wasteland to save my vault that this game was amazing and the newer games could never compare to it. I did need to look some things up at certain times because I just couldn't figure it out but for the most part I was just fine without help from the Internet.

As I played more and more I got so immersed in the game I just wanted to keep playing and the next thing I knew I was facing the Master after having snuck into the cathedral with some purple robes and I was explaining that his "perfect" race was doomed and he hadn't accomplished much (if anything) and then I was raiding Mariposa and getting ready to face the Lieutenant there and destroy the mutant making shit hole and everyone inside.

Then just like that I was returning home to my vault proud of the things I had done when I arrived Jacoren was there waiting for me and after he told me I couldn't enter I pulled my gun a shot him leaving his corpse with Eds bones as I walked away from the vault. Walked away from my home. And as the song began to play as I watched my character slowy walk away with his head down I thought to myself "This game is a masterpiece and I need to play the second game immediately" After that it takes a while for me to buy fallout 2 and when I get it I play it non stop until my shit lap top blue screens and I have to wait to a while to play it again then just recently I downloaded fallout 2 again and have resumed playing it from my last save I just returned to Arroyo and was making my way to the remains of Mariposa (didn't I blow that the fuck up?) to check out my grandfathers handy work and to see what the enclave are or were up to.

I have used a walk through here and there because fallout 2 is a massive game and sometimes I need a little help I did use the walk through to get the advanced power armour early I will admit that may have been a bit cheeky. I won't be able to play fallout 2 again for another two weeks but that's fine, don't worry about spoilers Btw I already know what happens at the end of fallout 2.

Now I'm playing fallout 4 and it just feels...wrong at least with obsidian some of the original guys were there and made new vegas feel similar to the first games but Bethesda just can't make a decent fallout game it seems to me now. Or a decent elder scrolls if what the Internet says is correct.

Their writing is absolute trash and they add lore that conflicts with already established lore (How is jet in pre-war America?) they also can't seem to flesh out their characters at all I mean they did an okay job with some characters but most are boring and not worth any attention. Bethesda seems to think that because most newer fallout fans won't want to play the originals they can do whatever they want and get away with it.
Also how the fuck are super mutants in Boston? Their just there no half assed explanation or anything just boom only there for a common enemy and to have an excuse for everyone to be scared.

Honestly I'm not sure if Bethesda can ever do fallout justice maybe if they hired new writers or let obsidian make fallout games from now on (Like that will happen) but they just can make a good fallout experience like the first two games. But I still have hope because if there is one thing the original games taught me it's to have hope and maybe if war doesn't change Games can.
TL;DR Young teen played originals and loved every second. Played fallout 4 and was disappointed but still hopes that maybe one day Bethesda can make a decent game.

Sorry if it was a long read and if there were any spelling mistakes I wrote this at 2 am and I was pretty tired and was only being kept away by some nuk- Coca-Cola.
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Dude, paragraphs, ain't anyone wanna strain their eyes with a giant block of text, man.*

*He's created paragraphs.

Here's his post but with paragraphs
So my first ever fallout game was fallout 3 (I know, I know) and I enjoyed the time I had with the game and believed it to be at the time the best game I ever played...then I played fallout new vegas and that game quickly became my new favourite fallout and I still play it over and over again to this day however recently I decided to check out the original fallout games and boy was my world about to change.

I played fallout 1 a few months ago I had actually bought it from a Dollar Store (Canadian) I had never played a top down turned based game before and being as young as I Am I wasn't sure if I would be able to play it but then I just decided to say fuck it and play it anyway. It took some getting used to and I did make a new character because my first one was utter garbage (Just like fallout 4) but after that I just played and played and played I didn't even care about the game being something that people my age almost never touch I just played the game because I realized as I started my journey into the California wasteland to save my vault that this game was amazing and the newer games could never compare to it.

I did need to look some things up at certain times because I just couldn't figure it out but for the most part I was just fine without help from the Internet as I played more and more I got so immersed in the game I just wanted to keep playing and the next thing I knew I was facing the Master after having snuck into the cathedral with some purple robes and I was explaining that his "perfect" race was doomed and he hadn't accomplished much (if anything) and then I was raiding Mariposa and getting ready to face the Lieutenant there and destroy the mutant making shit hole and everyone inside.

Then just like that I was returning home to my vault proud of the things I had done when I arrived Jacoren was there waiting for me and after he told me I couldn't enter I pulled my gun a shot him leaving his corpse with Eds bones as I walked away from the vault. Walked away from my home. And as the song began to play as I watched my character slowy walk away with his head down I thought to myself "This game is a masterpiece and I need to play the second game immediately" After that it takes a while for me to buy fallout 2 and when I get it I play it non stop until my shit lap top blue screens and I have to wait to a while to play it again then just recently I downloaded fallout 2 again and have resumed playing it from my last save I just returned to Arroyo and was making my way to the remains of Mariposa (didn't I blow that the fuck up?) to check out my grandfathers handy work and to see what the enclave are or were up to.

I have used a walk through here and there because fallout 2 is a massive game and sometimes I need a little help I did use the walk through to get the advanced power armour early I will admit that may have been a bit cheeky. I won't be able to play fallout 2 again for another two weeks but that's fine, don't worry about spoilers Btw I already know what happens at the end of fallout 2.

Now I'm playing fallout 4 and it just feels...wrong at least with obsidian some of the original guys were there and made new vegas feel similar to the first games but Bethesda just can't make a decent fallout game it seems to me now. Or a decent elder scrolls if what the Internet says is correct.

Their writing is absolute trash and they add lore that conflicts with already established lore (How is jet in pre-war America?) they also can't seem to flesh out their characters at all I mean they did an okay job with some characters but most are boring and not worth any attention. Bethesda seems to think that because most newer fallout fans won't want to play the originals they can do whatever they want and get away with it. Also how the fuck are super mutants in Boston? Their just there no half assed explanation or anything just boom only there for a common enemy and to have and excuse for everyone to be scared.

Honestly I'm not sure if Bethesda can ever do fallout justice maybe if they hired new writers or let obsidian make fallout games from now on (Like that will happen) but they just can make a good fallout experience like the first two games. But I still have hope because if there is one thing the original games taught me it's to have hope and maybe if war doesn't change Games can.

TL;DR Young teen played originals and loved every second. Played fallout 4 and was disappointed but still hopes that maybe one day Bethesda can make a decent game.

Sorry if it was a long read and if there were any spelling mistakes it's 2 am right now and I am only being kept awake by a bottle of nuk- I mean Coca-Cola.
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A helpful tip if you're going to stay on NMA for a while, change the settings so that you don't receive emails whenever someone posts on a thread you've made. Really, you'll be swamped by email notifications in a couple of days if you don't.
Otherwise, welcome to the fortress of hate! If you want to try more isometric Fallout games then you might want to look into these (as well as the thing Mr. Fish posted):
Welcome around here :-D.

It's always nice to see someone who didn't know the classic games before entering the world of Fallout that can think for him/herself and not eat all the bullshit Bethesda says/do.

Most Bethesda fans don't even try to play the older games, they look at screenshots and go "Eeeewwwww, what an ugly old piece of crap! There is no way that is good at all! Fallout 4 is best Fallout ever!", imaginary internet points for you for keeping an open mind and decided to try something new (or old I guess) and even though the classic games are a bit clunky you persevered and kept playing them and now you can see for yourself why real Fallout fans say Bethesda games are not worthy of the Fallout label :clap:.
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Hey man, welcome. I understand your pain.

I got into Fallout through Fallout 3, I loved it and pretty much played it for the next two years. Then New Vegas was announced, I quickly pre ordered the special edition and bought the first few games for a fiver.
Now my first reaction playing the first Fallout was 'I don't think I made the best purchase' within an hour, I loved the game. Sadly, late 90's RPGs weren't my strong point and I didn't complete the first game till a few weeks ago (I had a laptop before that couldn't run the original fallouts too well).

But yeah, while I love F3, I understand it's flaws and can see it's not a good fallout. New Vegas is a game I pretty much worship and I start a new game every now and then.

Fallout 4, while I think there's a great game in there somewhere, it's clouded with Bethesda bullshit that I just can't say I enjoy it anymore.
Dude, paragraphs, ain't anyone wanna strain their eyes with a giant block of text, man.

Sorry about that I was just pretty tired when I wrote that and I totally forgot to put in paragraphs, I'll fix it right away thanks for letting me know.
But yeah, while I love F3, I understand it's flaws and can see it's not a good fallout. New Vegas is a game I pretty much worship and I start a new game every now and then.

Let me advertise my products around then :wiggle::

If you love Fallout 3 and love Fallout New Vegas, have you tried TTW (Tale of Two Wastelands)?
It's a project where a talented team made and is still working on it that allows you to play Fallout 3 inside your Fallout New Vegas, so you can play FO3 using the newer FNV features and more polished game engine.

It also allows you to travel from DC to the Mojave any time you want (as long as you can reach the train station and defeat some Super Mutants and Ghouls), it also adds some harvestable plants in the FO3 wasteland, adds a few recipes that the player can cook without the need to go to New Vegas, reloading benches and campfires + hotplates (you can also buy a hotplate and a reloading bench for your player's house doesn't matter if it is Megaton or Tenpenny suite) and even more... I can't play FO3 without it any more to be honest and I don't say this just because I am part of the team there :lmao:.

I don't like advertising stuff in other sites but you seem like someone who would enjoy TTW and it would be a loss if you didn't know about it. >_>
Let me advertise my products around then :wiggle::

If you love Fallout 3 and love Fallout New Vegas, have you tried TTW (Tale of Two Wastelands)?
It's a project where a talented team made and is still working on it that allows you to play Fallout 3 inside your Fallout New Vegas, so you can play FO3 using the newer FNV features and more polished game engine.

It also allows you to travel from DC to the Mojave any time you want (as long as you can reach the train station and defeat some Super Mutants and Ghouls), it also adds some harvestable plants in the FO3 wasteland, adds a few recipes that the player can cook without the need to go to New Vegas, reloading benches and campfires + hotplates (you can also buy a hotplate and a reloading bench for your player's house doesn't matter if it is Megaton or Tenpenny suite) and even more... I can't play FO3 without it any more to be honest and I don't say this just because I am part of the team there :lmao:.

I don't like advertising stuff in other sites but you seem like someone who would enjoy TTW and it would be a loss if you didn't know about it. >_>

I heard about it a few years ago and it sounded rather interesting.
Sadly, I play New Vegas on Console but I've been thinking about getting it on my Laptop when I have some money to Waste. So yeah, I'll check it out then. Cheers for reminding me btw.

And to the OP, I recommend you check out Wasteland 2. It's not as good as the original Fallouts, but it sure is the next best thing. It's a series I've grown rather fond of in the last few months so I say check it out.
I heard about it a few years ago and it sounded rather interesting.
Sadly, I play New Vegas on Console but I've been thinking about getting it on my Laptop when I have some money to Waste. So yeah, I'll check it out then. Cheers for reminding me btw.

And to the OP, I recommend you check out Wasteland 2. It's not as good as the original Fallouts, but it sure is the next best thing. It's a series I've grown rather fond of in the last few months so I say check it out.

I actually have played wasteland 2 on my ps4 it's a good game I finished it about a month ago and will probably play it again during the summer game drought when there is next to nothing being released.
I actually have played wasteland 2 on my ps4 it's a good game I finished it about a month ago and will probably play it again during the summer game drought when there is next to nothing being released.

That's great, I really need to get round to it.
I have Wasteland 1 on my laptop, but that game is pretty jarring to play now.
Don't get me wrong, it's good and I like it, I just haven't figured out all the mechanics or the perfect build.
That's great, I really need to get round to it.
I have Wasteland 1 on my laptop, but that game is pretty jarring to play now.
Don't get me wrong, it's good and I like it, I just haven't figured out all the mechanics or the perfect build.
Yeah I was going to get wasteland 1 from Steam if they have it and try to finish it after I learned the basics.
Yeah I was going to get wasteland 1 from Steam if they have it and try to finish it after I learned the basics.
Perhaps you should get it from GOG. It's my place of choice for older games. In my experience the games there always work on modern systems (contrary to Steam).
I got Wasteland on Steam and it works perfect on my Laptop.
Still, while I have W2 on my PS4, it seems like the sort of Game I should get on Steam.
Maybe, but I have to put more hours in on my PS4 version.
Perhaps you should get it from GOG. It's my place of choice for older games. In my experience the games there always work on modern systems (contrary to Steam).
I'll check out what some other people think of the site and if it does actually run older games better on newer computers then I probably will get it from there as when I got fallout 2 from steam it would slow down in some areas and I had to quit and reload a few times to fix it
Perhaps you should get it from GOG. It's my place of choice for older games. In my experience the games there always work on modern systems (contrary to Steam).

Yeah, because GoG actually put time into making wrappers or altering things in the game exe/files so they properly work on modern machines. Steam basically just dumps crap on the store without a thought.
I'll check out what some other people think of the site and if it does actually run older games better on newer computers then I probably will get it from there as when I got fallout 2 from steam it would slow down in some areas and I had to quit and reload a few times to fix it
I own a lot of games on GOG and never had a real issue. I can really recommend it.

To keep it on topic: I had a similar experience like you concerning Fallout. My first contact with the franchise occurred with the first Fallout 3 trailers. They caught my attention and I started to do some research. After all there was a three in the title, so there had to be at least two other games. As I don't like to jump into ongoing game series without knowing the lore and predecessors. I bought myself the "Fallout Trilogy". So Fallout 3 actually brought me to the classics, which I really enjoyed. Besides the dated graphics, both games offered a deep role-playing experience combined with a dark atmosphere, that contrasted with the whole 50s theme and humour. Afterwards I started with Fallout: New Vegas, which I really, really enjoyed. I consider it the real Fallout 3, while the official third part's more like an East Coast spin-off. So, yeah, thanks Beth for introducing me to the classics. :-)
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