Recent content by marstonkyale

  1. M

    NMA was hacked

    Great suggestion. :clap: I was thinking of more serious things like paypal and banking sites. Never even crossed my mind people using steam might have had the same password here as there.
  2. M

    NMA was hacked

    I want to pretend to be you... ;) On a more serious note though. The idiot obviously didn't cover his tracks well and I encourage the staff at NMA to seek out the help of the computer crimes department at their "local?" law enforcement agency because when he obtained that information it made...
  3. M

    Bethesda robbing Interplay blind

    I think it went down more like this, Herve was forced to take the deal due to the bankruptcy coming down the line. In it Beth/Zen knew they could hold him over the fire for the worst deal because it was all or nothing for him. In doing so Herve hoped to recoup enough cash to pay back the old...
  4. M

    Operation anchorage doesnt begin!

    Read about lots of reports of this, I believe the patch may fix it or that a patch is coming. Check recent news on the NMA site from justafter release, that is where I first heard of this.
  5. M

    the addon called Operation....

    Nope the patched version is having massive issues in 64bit. I do believe that in order to use OA you must be patched. If your not patched then it may be the same issue in OA as the new patch for 64bit.
  6. M

    Fallout 3 and XP 64 bit

    Back up your saves and reinstall. ATM Beth the old hag is not testing for 64bit and I and many others are having this issue with patches.
  7. M

    Fallout 1 on XP x64

    I have it working on Vista 64bit and XP 64 by only running it out of compatability mode. IF i try and turn on compat it crashes.
  8. M

    Emil Pagliarulo on the Gauss rifle

    haha two of my co-wokers have the ps3 version, today i showed them the enclave commander mod and lorded over them the cool things that pc's will always get and they won't ;)
  9. M

    Pocket F.A.L.L.O.U.T. released

    Can this work on my blackberry? 8830 curve.
  10. M

    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #62

    .. BN beat me to it.
  11. M

    V13 tidbit

    I've got to totally agree with you on this. I'd rather see them go with something like guildwars. Towns where Hubs and the only place you saw more then your group, max group was 8 players. And on top of that every missions or wilderness area was instanced so if you went solo, you were solo. This...
  12. M

    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #62

    Ugh Got replied with" Well actually Bethesda now owns those two first Fallouts so it is their franchise and thus their third installment." :jawdrop: :eek: :violent:
  13. M

    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #62

    Sunday Sun FALLOUT 3 is the third instalment in the highly acclaimed series from Bethesda. Yes because Beth made the other two... kriffing di'kuts. This is an email I wrote to Colin Patterson, Head editior of the Sunday Son and author of the Fallout 3 review in round up #62. Sir I...
  14. M

    Do bodies disappear after a set period?

    Yes and no. I haven't noticed a timer for them going away but I have noticed loading bugs. If you quickload to fast sometimes the engine forgets to repopulate a corpse or two, or just their guns. Like last night I was in the Capitol building, killed a mutie who was on some scaffolding with...
  15. M

    Whoops-Lydia Montenegro

    Sorry are you talking about why Beth raped the Fallout IP? Or his question? :twisted: