Pocket F.A.L.L.O.U.T. released

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Pocket F.A.L.L.O.U.T., the project to put out a Fallout-like game for free on Pocket PC and PC, is now released. You can grab it from their website or from NMA. Press release:<blockquote>On January, 29th, 2009 the long-awaited release of project Pocket F.A.L.L.O.U.T Has taken place!

Pocket F.A.L.L.O.U.T. is a unique project allowing the user to plunge into the boundless world of the burnt out wasteland, to feel full freedom and to enjoy the claustrophobic atmosphere of the classic RPG Fallout, on which this project is based. And it is completely free on your handheld computer and the personal computer!

Pocket F.A.L.L.O.U.T. is a role playing game (RPG) for mobile devices on the basis of Windows Mobile 2003, WM5, WM 6.x, and also desktop personal computers on the basis of Win9x, WinXP, Vista. Game process is realised in the form of an isometric projection with turn-based combat, with the possibility to create and develop your own character having unique characteristics and skills.

The game uses cross-platform resources which allow to work equally both on a handheld computer and on the personal computer. It is completely optimised to work on a handheld computer of average specifications. In game the most significant features you will find the main features similar to Fallout 1 and 2.

• Management of inventory of the player and interaction of things of inventory with objects of a location
• Dialogues between the character of a location and the player
• Messages to the user
• Larceny
• Barter/sale
• Special skills of the character (ability to training, ability to breaking, ability to address with a cold steel etc)
• Adjusted step-by-step fights
• Adjusted algorithm of detour of obstacles, behaviour of units on a location
• Worldmap with placing possibility on it of cities, random encounters, etc.
• Saving/loading games for Project Pocket F.A.L.L.O.U.T.

Additionally, to all who wish, the game offers the possibility to create a part of the postapocalyptic world and to share the work (a city, village, quest lines or the character) with all community of admirers and thus to expand the existing game world. And key feature of the project is the almost improbable simplicity of working with the program code. Almost all mechanisms of game are easily adjusted by means of built in programming language PFSL! And at last, the most important, all interested persons can download free of charge game on January, 29th, 2009 on site Pocket F.A.L.L.O.U.T. http://www.pocketfallout.net.</blockquote><center>
Interesting. I'll try it on my HTC. I wonder if they will be protected from potential litigation because of their location. Can Beth shut them down?
Dionysus said:
Interesting. I'll try it on my HTC. I wonder if they will be protected from potential litigation because of their location. Can Beth shut them down?

If they don't make any money by it, it's hard to shut them down as they can claim a large extent of fair use (same thing we do, basically), but Beth could still argue damage to property.

Don't know, really. I'd download it sooner rather than later, just to be safe :P
Has someone some other download link than rapidshare? I can only download with 10kb/s at the moment and this sucks... 2 hours for 40mb.
If they don't make any money by it, it's hard to shut them down as they can claim a large extent of fair use (same thing we do, basically), but Beth could still argue damage to property.

Especially that they might be planning their own pocket releases through Vir2L Studios.
Anybody got it to work? I tried but the readme is unreadable and whatever I do, I just can't breath any life into it.


Cool idea, bad execution?
I got it to work. Only copied everything on my mini-sd card and launched the game. Loading times are long but it works. I can not read everything- some stuff is still in russia. Also parts of the music doesn't fit well, imo. The pathfinding is bad sometimes too.
it says 5.0 wonder if they mean windows mobile 5.0 if so that would be freaking sweet if it works on my black jack but at i can only get it to support 3.4 gigs or so of the 8 gigs or so on my sd card need to re read those forums on modding to sdhc. at any rate this is cool.
Lexx said:
I got it to work. Only copied everything on my mini-sd card and launched the game. Loading times are long but it works. I can not read everything- some stuff is still in russia. Also parts of the music doesn't fit well, imo. The pathfinding is bad sometimes too.

Well it works on my 1 year old HTC too, but I think it is unplayable at this moment because scrolling is a pain in the ass.
Wonder if this will work on my Gp2x, since it has touchscreen support it can emulate a mouse pretty well.

Anyone know if they included linux/GP2x support?
Ok, I played it a bit more today but it runs really slow on my VPA Compact 2. Also like I wrote in my post above, the pathfinding of the critters is really bad. Even if I just move one hex, the player walks left, right, up, whatever, just to go one field up and this is annoying.

Also I don't like the Fallout 2 setting. Seriously, with the time I get really angry. Everybody talks just Fallout 2 here, Fallout 2 there, blah, blah and I get sick of it. Fallout 2 isn't better than Fallout 1, it is just bigger. Whats the big deal with doing something in the Fallout 1 setting? The pocket pc thingy would be good for this but again.. Fallout 2, you start in a dungeon, killing ants, killing scorpions, mah.

Some very bad photos:

I have no words to describe how bad is the English translation. List of skills includes:
- game,
- cold steel,
- hard weapons (but unfortunately I can't find soft weapons skill),
- walk,
- wandering.
And even the worse dialogues in Fo3 weren't as bad as average ones in Pocket Fallout:
Ouch..this translation is really bad! I can't possibly imagine how the developers couldn't find a guy who knows english even slightly better than this.. I am russian myself, but I think I know both rus and eng pretty well, even I didn't really studied english too seriously..damn, those dialogs suck ass! maybe I should get in touch with developers :D
i'm pretty sure the i phone doesn't run home brew unless there is a way past it. wonder if my old ass black jack 1 can run it. can't till we can use the fo1 and 2 game files so we can play them on the phone/pocket.