Recent content by Mash

  1. M

    Fallout II Visually Enhanced Patch (FKA Hi-Res Patch)

    @DADi590 Sorry, can’t help you there. I had a look, but I really didn’t back things up very well back then.
  2. M

    Fallout II Visually Enhanced Patch (FKA Hi-Res Patch)

    This is what I have for V4.1.9 dated:26/07/14 -Fixed a bug causing dialog sub windows to be positioned incorrectly when resizing window. -Fixed a bug making it impossible to drop stuff into bags within inventory. While I was getting the source ready for publishing I also fixed a problem with...
  3. M

    Fallout II Visually Enhanced Patch (FKA Hi-Res Patch)

    I’ve uploaded the source code for the High Res patches for fallout 1 and 2, I've added a link in my sig. It was a bit of a mess and took longer than expected, as all things do. I intended to upload the mapper2 HPR as well, but it’s in a real sorry state so that will have to wait for a later...
  4. M

    Fallout II Visually Enhanced Patch (FKA Hi-Res Patch)

    No, that's probably not going to happen until/if it becomes a part of sfall. I don't think this patch is going stand as a separate entity. It's not really meant to be a replacement for the old hi-res patch either, more of a tech demo I suppose. It's more my own personal playground, just a bunch...
  5. M

    Fallout II Visually Enhanced Patch (FKA Hi-Res Patch)

    I really need to document some stuff at some point, here's just a couple of things. Coloured lighting is setup but there is no program to implement them on maps just yet and the way I'm doing it might change if big issues pop up. Light colour is currently being stored with the map objects light...
  6. M

    Fallout II Visually Enhanced Patch (FKA Hi-Res Patch)

    I'll have to make a note of that somewhere. I have the scenery casting faux shadows, It's not working very well yet, I meant to disable it, but must have forgot. I'll check it out, I've replaced a lot of the world map functions. Pretty much any function that displays anything. I'm sure I've...
  7. M

    Fallout II Visually Enhanced Patch (FKA Hi-Res Patch)

    Hello, Many years since my last post, Sorry about that, just kind of dropped off the face of the earth for a while there. Life y'know. I came back to it after a while intending to fix up the code in order to publish it. But instead it kind of evolved a bit. It's not really ready yet, there are...
  8. M

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    That should already be possible with Alternate Mouse Input enabled.:confused:
  9. M

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    @.Pixote.: What OS are you on? If Windows Vista or above use the 'Manually Edit Config' button from the f2_res_Config.exe. Also set WIN_DATA=0 rather than change windowed mode as that is the more likely cause. @Sduibek: The Zoom version does require a relatively new PC and at present a little...
  10. M

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    Hello all back again, new versions are up, links in my sig as usual. Version 4.1.8. ZOOMING You will notice a couple of extra links below, I've finally have zooming working, although there are likely a few bug lurking. For this reason the zoom versions should be considered experimental for now...
  11. M

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    Yep, at present the hi-res patches mouse stuff is unavailible when using one of sfalls graphic modes. Alternate mouse input is still a work in progress. The main-menu has a few scaling options these days. To get the effect your after open the screen settings window under options. Find the...
  12. M

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    New versions(4.1.5) of the fallout1/2 hi-res patches are available for download. links in my sig. Nothing major this time round, mainly bug fixes. The main addition is the ability to adjust the timing of transitional fade effects. In-game zooming didn't make the cut, I hope to release a test...
  13. M

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    Yep your right, that's exactly what they're for. I created them for the sole purpose of covering up stuff your not supposed to see. The original game limited scrolling about 20 hexes in from each angled side of the map. I had to remove this limit as it causes a lot of problems when you raise the...
  14. M

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    A couple of major versions back I was having some problems with a particular function which returns a hex tile position from screen coordinents. I subsuquently replaced it in the hi-res patch and its seems this replacement function is what's causing the trouble here. Good news is in the...
  15. M

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    @polochamps2004: Basic mode is included to allow you to use sfalls graphic modes if you prefer. There shouldn't be any problems installing the the current hi-res patch into the RP v2.2. I think they're supposed to be that long. When I disable the hi-res patch on my machine the fade effect is...