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  • Hey, I'm really loving the megamod, but there's a glitch where it says that the dialog file is missing when I go to the slaver camp to try and free the slaves there. Any advice?
    Megamod question: does this make combat significantly tougher for a high-luck sniper build? I really enjoy that build (not just from a powergamer perspective) and dont want to play through all of megamod to sniper level only to find the game is a cakewalk as in the original.
    can't figure out if megamod nerfs critical hits, critical chance, luck, or sniper such that it nerfs the build a bit (i hope it does)
    Having a problem downloading your Megamod. It tells me an error or can't find the site. Also, I can use it in conjunction with Killap's Restoration patch correct? Hats off to you in keeping the Fallout world alive for us old tymers.
    Hi! First I want to say thank you for all the effort you put in this mod. It made great game glorious!
    2nd, is there a way to get the script for Vault 14? I'm stuck there and would really like to see it through. As much as I understand modding, exit hex points to wrong map so only that needs changing?
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