Recent content by Migeto

  1. M

    Fallout: Miami Trailer

    This thread has been quiet O.O Anyways, I started to model some semi-famous downtown miami buildings. So far I have only finished one of them, the Miami Tower Only thing is, I was...
  2. M

    Fallout: Miami Trailer

    Lol never heard of it. But when/if this mod comes to fruition I will keep that in mind :p
  3. M

    Fallout: Miami Trailer

    Thank you all for the nice comments. I've been really busy lately so I have not been able to post much. I am still thinking about planning this out to be an actual mod in the future, of course I won't be able to do it alone. I have no experience with the geck editor what so over x.x
  4. M

    Fallout: Miami Trailer

    The remake is done! In glorious 720 hd! The only thing I was not able to fix is the water, only cause I could not get Realflow plugin to install correctly, but I can live with it. Should I post this in fanart? :)
  5. M

    Fallout: Miami Trailer

    Oh cool, Thanks! So far only a 1/4th of the animation is done rendering D:
  6. M

    Hoarding in Video Games

    With kotor it gets ridiculous because there is no limit to how much you can carry. By the time I'm near the end of either game it would take me roughly a minute to scroll from top to bottom of my inventory...
  7. M

    Fallout: Miami Trailer

    Through Maya Software yea, but I like using Mental Ray with all the bells and whistles. Do tell
  8. M

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    7/10 if you were going for Heath Ledgers joker 12/10 if you were going for Mark Hamills joker
  9. M

    Fallout: Miami Trailer

    I got the Fallout logo from a fansite, if you're the original creator of the image I'll remove it. I can just make a new one by modifying the Fallout3 logo. Honestly though, I picked it that one in particular cause I thought it was the actual logo from fallout, lol. It looked so good I...
  10. M

    Fallout: Miami Trailer

    Thanks, you know, when I first posted this I was honestly expecting to get flamed a bit. This community is really nice. I never used Geck before. with Maya I have control over every little detail, I can reshape any objects topology and texture/normal/specular on the fly. Plus Maya has some...
  11. M

    Trouble on the Homefront

    I helped them, they thanked me by kicking me out and telling me to never return, asses. When I eventually encountered the random Vault 101 inhabitant exploring the wasteland for supplies she was being attacked by a giant radscorpion. I let that hoe die, they hurt my feelings:(
  12. M

    Fallout: Miami Trailer

    Thanks I actually got a sky dome in there but it's stationary. I'm thinking about having it rotate slightly when I re-render the scene either tonight or tomorrow. The rotation would give the illusion of the clouds drifting ever so gently in the sky.
  13. M

    If you were making Fallout 4

    I wouldn't go so far as saying it's a crappy engine, it just wasn't utilized properly :p Example: Postal 2 used the Unreal 2 engine I believe. The game was great but anyone who played it will tell you that each "map area" is rather small resulting in numerous loud points. All Rainbow Six 3...
  14. M

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Lol SLC Punk was a good flick 9/10
  15. M

    If you were making Fallout 4

    Could you imagine a fallout game taking place in a country that was already messed up the begin with. A post apocalyptic 3rd-world country, lol. It's like the Fall of Saigon EVERY SINGLE DAY.