Look, Ma! Two Heads!

What would you put in it?
Personally, i'd do a few things.
1) Murder Todd Howard
2) Dissolve Beth Soft
3) Pay for obese escorts to sit on the devlopers of Gamebryo
4) Make fast travel, *fast travel* not insta travel, a hybrid between FO1 and 2's travel system, and the current teleportation system could work very well, with luck, traits and perks affecting random events on the way, as well as optional stops to set up camp, rehydrate etc.
5) Make VATS a viable tactical element. It's mostly just 'aim for the head' as half the time it has the same percentage hit rate as the torso, a system of strategic dismemberment would be a good idea, whereby people could survive having a leg or arm blown off, as opposed to them dieing out right.
6) Have someone who isn't suffering from retard dyspraxia design the animations.
7) Set it within a timeframe close to the aftermath of the war, so it's Fallout at it's bare bones.
8) Set it outside of the USA, it's been 6 games and we're still in one country, in a game that's lore is global, how about the UK, South Africa, Australia? I think FO:London would be a fairly iconic and interesting game.
9) Have Liberty prime come back, but have him wear a cowboy hat and shoot cars out of his ass, and give him a giant mechanical penis which houses armies of imposter Enclave troopers.
Personally, i'd do a few things.
1) Murder Todd Howard
2) Dissolve Beth Soft
3) Pay for obese escorts to sit on the devlopers of Gamebryo
4) Make fast travel, *fast travel* not insta travel, a hybrid between FO1 and 2's travel system, and the current teleportation system could work very well, with luck, traits and perks affecting random events on the way, as well as optional stops to set up camp, rehydrate etc.
5) Make VATS a viable tactical element. It's mostly just 'aim for the head' as half the time it has the same percentage hit rate as the torso, a system of strategic dismemberment would be a good idea, whereby people could survive having a leg or arm blown off, as opposed to them dieing out right.
6) Have someone who isn't suffering from retard dyspraxia design the animations.
7) Set it within a timeframe close to the aftermath of the war, so it's Fallout at it's bare bones.
8) Set it outside of the USA, it's been 6 games and we're still in one country, in a game that's lore is global, how about the UK, South Africa, Australia? I think FO:London would be a fairly iconic and interesting game.
9) Have Liberty prime come back, but have him wear a cowboy hat and shoot cars out of his ass, and give him a giant mechanical penis which houses armies of imposter Enclave troopers.