Recent content by mkba

  1. mkba

    Mods you hate or dislike

    IRC its more the editor who forced them to reshape the game
  2. mkba

    Mods you hate or dislike

    i can't completely disagree , the beginnings are though as shit , and no bullet also ennemies spawning behind you is lame . but on the other hand we can contemplate what the 2001 stalker could have been and this is a subject to debate some prefere the more thight and polished ( to a degree we...
  3. mkba

    Goodsprings Brahmin

    and here we go for another wacky thread
  4. mkba

    Zegh's Dinosaur Thread

    i was talking about this skin impression . some thinks that the little " holes " are anchor for quills
  5. mkba

    Zegh's Dinosaur Thread

    well about the "new dinosaur family tree" , didn't they find that the saurpodomorph and theropods can still be a thing as the fact that the 3 familys can be taken on there own ? ( sorry if its unclear i'm more versed in this subject in french ) . also the big ceratopsians have the possibility of...
  6. mkba

    Is there anywhere I can buy the fallout 1 big box?

    i think that your best chance is in ebay from times to times one box pop out , just be patient , but be prepared for the price ...
  7. mkba

    Cap to real currency comparisons

    it sorta depends on the location where people live in , for example in freesyde they need 5+ caps for each day ( iirc its 5 cap for the clean water ) ; on the other hand with goodsprings water is basically free if you can defend yourself from the gecko who provides a good source of meet id say...
  8. mkba

    Forshadowing Events

    are those the same who have sometings to say about cass ? or are they random nightkins ?
  9. mkba

    There is something rotten in Fallout New Vegas

    i must confess trought the reading of this topic , i was constently reading it whit this tone and i must admit it was a very amusing .
  10. mkba

    The Brotherhood of Steel decision - thumbs up or thumbs down?

    always destroy them , i still being traumatised by them sending me to the glow , death to bos
  11. mkba

    Senior Producer: "The Legion is our ... evil group"

    to define the algnement of a faction we need to look at the contex in that case both are just neutral fation , what we see of the legion is just the military aspet of the faction in that case even the acts of vulpes are somewhat justified since they instill fear among ncr conscripts . c
  12. mkba

    Why is Fallout Tactics so underrated/Disliked?

    in some ways FoT is like Xcome , i really like the debt of the combat system and the obligation to have a crew skilled in a diversity of skills , and the possibility to drive a ***** tank
  13. mkba

    Any spooky locations or things in New Vegas?

    in some of my playtrough he disappear after the quest , i think it some sort of bug since it is rare and after patching my game he never disapear again
  14. mkba

    Gauss Cannon possibility

    smoething like this ? ps: for me the gauss rifle in stalker is more relevant that the one in "modern" fallout games due to the fat that he is an obvious reference to fallout 2
  15. mkba

    The Courier's True Name

    can somoene explain to me the utility o this BS ?