Mr muggyman 3000
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  • I feel sorry for metel gear fans. They have to see their fave series get raped just like us fallout fans:(
    Even fans of TES have to see it being raped... and all games were made by Bethesda!
    You either die a hero or you live long enough to become a villain. This also applies to most long-running franchises (barring a few exceptions)
    More like you live long enough to get raped beyond all recognition by a shitty company.
    Man i wish moon Knight gets his own Netflix series easily one of the most complex supers hero ever. Even more complex then batman imo
    Batman's complex?
    Mr muggyman 3000
    Mr muggyman 3000
    LOL . He's basically a one trick pony, the only fresh new thing I remember dC doing with bat was when they killed batman, but after that it's basicaly the same old, story over and over again.
    watched suicide squad last night. I liked it overall as a comic fanboy, but objectively it's not a good movie
    Mr muggyman 3000
    Mr muggyman 3000
    Joker was good for the brief time he was in the movie, and Harley was the best character next to will smith,and boomerang
    I maintain that the best joker was/is Mark hamill. How does leto compare?
    Mr muggyman 3000
    Mr muggyman 3000
    Leto does his own thing with the character. His voice is pretty good imo, and I'm one the few people that liked his new design. If 80% of his scenes weren't cut from the movie I'd say he makes a pretty good joker.
    "As I walked out in the streets of new Reno as i walked out one day I spied a young cowboy wrapped in white linen"
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