Hey Naossano sorry for late response. I played in A.L.L and we played with TTTLA and later in the COA alliance on 2238. There we met the C88/The guardians allies too..
Oh can't we send private messages here ? Maybe it's just that I don't know how to do it. I wanted to send you my discord Paladin Hank but didn't want to say it publicly. But well dang it, add Narrow#1313 on discord.
Je suis français moi aussi !
Hey Naossano I remember you ! Too bad you and your friends are not playing anymore.
Comment ça va ? :D
Not so many differences I think, still PvP oriented so not for you. I'd not recommend you to play it then Mr Fish.
In this Website https://fo2238.fodev.net/wiki/FOnline:_2238 it is said that...
The first server open to the public was 2238 in 2009. In my opinion it was the best server that existed. It closed in 2013 if I remember correctly.
After that SDK of FOnline was released and everyone could create his own server.
Fans created Reloaded and FOnline 2 and other servers that you may...
Hello I still have the same problem. I downloaded Audacity, exported the file in wav16bits, 22050 hz. And when I put it in snd2acm I still get this truncated error. I tried different versions of snd2acm, the one from 2001 and the one from 2001-2003
I know it's 10 years late but the problem...