Recent content by NarrowMinded

  1. N

    Looking for friends to play Fallout Online 2 with me

    Hey Naossano sorry for late response. I played in A.L.L and we played with TTTLA and later in the COA alliance on 2238. There we met the C88/The guardians allies too..
  2. N

    Hey ! Content de te rencontrer.

    Hey ! Content de te rencontrer.
  3. N

    Looking for friends to play Fallout Online 2 with me

    Oh can't we send private messages here ? Maybe it's just that I don't know how to do it. I wanted to send you my discord Paladin Hank but didn't want to say it publicly. But well dang it, add Narrow#1313 on discord. Je suis français moi aussi !
  4. N

    Looking for friends to play Fallout Online 2 with me

    Hey Naossano I remember you ! Too bad you and your friends are not playing anymore. Comment ça va ? :D Not so many differences I think, still PvP oriented so not for you. I'd not recommend you to play it then Mr Fish. In this Website it is said that...
  5. N

    Looking for friends to play Fallout Online 2 with me

    The first server open to the public was 2238 in 2009. In my opinion it was the best server that existed. It closed in 2013 if I remember correctly. After that SDK of FOnline was released and everyone could create his own server. Fans created Reloaded and FOnline 2 and other servers that you may...
  6. N

    Looking for friends to play Fallout Online 2 with me

    PM me if you are interested and we will talk about it. If you don't know what is FOnline 2 :
  7. N

    Music conversion question.

    Hello I still have the same problem. I downloaded Audacity, exported the file in wav16bits, 22050 hz. And when I put it in snd2acm I still get this truncated error. I tried different versions of snd2acm, the one from 2001 and the one from 2001-2003 I know it's 10 years late but the problem...