Recent content by Nodder

  1. Nodder

    Would anyone here ever play a Paranoia CTRPG?
  2. Nodder

    The first Season of the Fallout tv show is out

    Someone make a thread on this: He makes some juicy comments.
  3. Nodder

    Josh Sawyer interview at RPS

    Apologies that this is mostly a tangential response to your really great encapsulated history post. This convo probably deserves a thread of its own, maybe even a different forum, but I feel like the fate of Fallout is just so common in beloved '90s hits. So many franchises get one big game...
  4. Nodder

    The first Season of the Fallout tv show is out

    At least they admit these:
  5. Nodder

    The first Season of the Fallout tv show is out

    The funny thing in the second episode is that the Ghoul says six agencies put out the bounty on the scientist. So despite civilization not rebuilding, there clearly is some sort of society going on if there's bounty hunter agencies communicating with each other and the settlements, and thugs in...
  6. Nodder

    How come Enclave soldiers don't clad themselves in red, white, and blue?

    Looking back at this thread, especially at that Rifts Chaos Earth cover, I wasn't meaning literally red-white-blue "camo" suits so much as the Enclave to just have a more sense of American branding. Like more eagles in their iconography. More stars. More flags in their base. Just a roundel or...
  7. Nodder

    How come Enclave soldiers don't clad themselves in red, white, and blue?

    lol guess it ended up happening after all
  8. Nodder

    The first Season of the Fallout tv show is out

    Totally normal guy who's okay with doxxing and death threats to fans of some dumb video game
  9. Nodder

    Fallout renewed for another season

    I just mostly know it from the bit in this video where he says that the show went through several show runners- including firing the original one after one season- and Kirkman was also an influence. Sounds like TWD had less cohesive creative control behind the scenes.
  10. Nodder

    Fallout renewed for another season

    The Walking Dead is definitely comparable to this show as that was a post-apocalyptic tale with one cowboy character and normies loved it. It also made a mess of the lore of the original except the actual creator of the graphic novel got involved and it didn't help matters. Despite it, people...
  11. Nodder

    Josh Sawyer interview at RPS

    Quite honestly, you could say the same about most '90s classic games. There are very few high concept video game series that are consistently good. There's probably something to be said about how the late '90s was itself a lightning in a bottle, the tech was there to make a timeless game (not...
  12. Nodder

    Josh Sawyer interview at RPS

    He's a Goon of Something Awful, get it right.
  13. Nodder

    Fallout TV show coming 2024, featuring Vault 33 in Los Angeles

    It would be ironic if Bethesda ended up using an unpopular (and minor) part of NV canon, as well as Avellone's own words, to justify why they "had to" destroy a much-beloved part of the universe. The people making this show are probably too lazy to dig this deep (pun unintended) to...
  14. Nodder

    The first Season of the Fallout tv show is out

    Fallout fans should be inured to disappointment now. But then again, Star Wars fans should be the same, yet at this point of the fandom there's people uncritically celebrating the Expanded Universe and forgetting that the '90s to the '00s was an ambiguous at best time for the fandom, and while...