Recent content by Norzan

  1. Norzan

    A first look at Magic the Gathering - Fallout. Available March 8, 2024

    Out of boredom i decided to check what is going on with Magic after i heard there's Final Fantasy cards for some unholy reason. What i found is complete madness, like fucking Fortnite cards. And this shit apparently has been going on for like three years. What's next, characters from Dragon...
  2. Norzan

    A first look at Magic the Gathering - Fallout. Available March 8, 2024

    Lanius as only a 2/2? Nor very accurate.
  3. Norzan

    Cyberpunk 2077 thoughts and musings

    I already knew Path of Exile is trash.
  4. Norzan

    Cyberpunk 2077 thoughts and musings

    At least now i know the game is shit if Morgan thinks it's any good.
  5. Norzan

    Cyberpunk 2077 thoughts and musings

    Honestly the quickest way to kill whatever interest i can have for a game is to have a garbage launch state and bunch of controversies after it. It's why i'm never touching this game. Basically put your best foot forward instead of selling a fucking beta test for full price.
  6. Norzan

    Ready for another Adventure

    Now i need to really replay the game to see if i get any of that. I expect crashes, but corrupted saves sounds ridiculous.
  7. Norzan

    Elder Scrolls VI

    Of course the ego of "hurr durr only 5% or something will see the content i made" instead of appreciating the fact that any amount of people will engage with that content.
  8. Norzan

    Ready for another Adventure

    Did you played on PC? Because my latest playthrough was on PC and that was unmodded and i barely ran into bugs. Just an handful of crashes in like 250 hours. Maybe i need to replay the game.
  9. Norzan

    Elder Scrolls VI

    Can't have that, Gizmo. Modern Bethesda games require the player to experience every single bit of content in one playthrough, and that means making barriers to every piece of content basically non-existant.
  10. Norzan

    John Gonzalez Returns To Obsidian Entertainment.

    Didn't stopped them before. Also doubt normies care about internal consistency and lore, they just want wacky shit.
  11. Norzan

    John Gonzalez Returns To Obsidian Entertainment.

    He says that and proceeds to ignore most of it in the next Fallout game he's in it. But in this case, and i already said above, he might just actually stick to it just to spite fans of the old Fallouts. He puts on a smiling face and makes jokes at his expense (the whole we heard our games are...
  12. Norzan

    John Gonzalez Returns To Obsidian Entertainment.

    I certainly don't want to play a Fallout game that has to adhere to whatever nonsense the TV show has and did. Because, yes, i can easily see Todd wanting the next game regardless of who makes it to follow the crap in the TV show down to the last detail because that's how petty he is. He...
  13. Norzan

    The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

    Rewatched Idiocracy. While it's still very funny, it honestly feels like a horror movie at certain points because its portrayal of human society is feeling less and less exaggerated with each passing year.
  14. Norzan

    John Gonzalez Returns To Obsidian Entertainment.

    They actually didn't understood Fallout because they had no reason to do it (and if they tried they couldn't). Because, yeah, all they wanted to do was make Elder Scrolls with guns.
  15. Norzan

    Fallout renewed for another season

    Whining like a little bitch because people don't like your shitty show is not this. People like to shit on the show because it's fun (yeah, probably too hard to believe to you, but people have fun riffing on trash). It's a poorly written mess filled with meme scenes (the power armor dude...