Recent content by oxidize

  1. oxidize

    Mouse lag in Fallout 1 and 2

    oh thanks, i had this problem too
  2. oxidize

    FO2 AI, aimed shots and combat "taunts"

    very interesting... maybe you should post it in modding section
  3. oxidize

    So what is your opinion?

    this is the wrong section. Go to Fallout 4 modding section, tard...
  4. oxidize

    "Fallout: Between Good & Evil" announcement

    they should let someone else finish it... I don't think it's dead. Why would they keep it to themselves if it's dead? There's no use keeping all those files hidden and all.
  5. oxidize

    Need van buren GRP manager

    what is that you're looking for? there's a fallout database, you can see link in Modding section
  6. oxidize

    "Fallout: Between Good & Evil" announcement

    is it dead? message on their website
  7. oxidize

    buy Fallout rights from Bethesda so we don't have to watch anymore the desecration of Fallout's...

    buy Fallout rights from Bethesda so we don't have to watch anymore the desecration of Fallout's name?
  8. oxidize

    Fallout 1/2 concept art

    this forum has section just for pics... check there
  9. oxidize

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.3 (Unofficial Expansion)

    He was here a few months ago and said he's working on RP still. When? Nobody knows.
  10. oxidize

    jsFO - Javascript Fallout2

    why is playing FO in browser so great? What's wrong with playing it the way we're playing it now? Is there any real benefit from this new system?
  11. oxidize

    FO2 Mechanics Overhaul Mod

    This feller? :lol:
  12. oxidize

    Patches and fixes for Fallout 2 and Tactics?

    yeah, that or Killaps unofficial patch. RP adds some new elements to the story and gameplay, unofficial patch just fixes bugs that were left after official patch...
  13. oxidize

    Mods to make sub-par skills more useful? (FO1&2)

    there are a few mods that make throwing skill a lot more useful, but unfortunately I don't think there are any that do the same with traps skill.