Recent content by Ozrat

  1. Ozrat

    Been away for a long time

    Hi; this is my first time logging in since 2013. Please remind me who you are.
  2. Ozrat

    Have you seen this man?

    Cool story, rat. How does Gov. Scott Walker compare to Dr. Ivo Sanader?
  3. Ozrat

    Why mainstream Science doesn't accept Atlantis theories

    In Search of Atlantis in Wisconsin Copper Culture State Park & Museum The Old Copper Complex Manufacturing Copper Implements
  4. Ozrat


    If your winters are freezing, grow a beard. If you are between winters, 'stache it. Edit: "The study demonstrated that Mustached Americans, on average, earn significantly more than their bearded and clean-shaven counterparts."
  5. Ozrat

    4 years-ish

    Hey UJ! I saw you post a few weeks ago but wasn't sure if you were back or not. How's the porn industry treating you?
  6. Ozrat

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    Your bedroom/loft is a bit small, but I love the timberframe and lime plaster.
  7. Ozrat

    Deepwater Horizon/BP Oil Spill

    I have a friend that works at a government program called the "Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration" (NRDAR) program (created in response to the Exxon Valdez disaster in 1989). My friend has been involved since the explosion happened and is currently in NOLA to assess (and respond...
  8. Ozrat

    Lilypads: Cities of the future?

    The SS Edmund Fitzgerald sank to due to stormy weather on an inland lake.
  9. Ozrat

    Lilypads: Cities of the future?

    Dubai already tried this.
  10. Ozrat


    I have not watched a movie on the big screen in years. I asked a teenager what he thought of Avatar. He said that he played the game first and then saw the movie; his conclusion is that the story of the game is better than the movie.
  11. Ozrat

    What would Jesus buy?

    Why would I mind?
  12. Ozrat

    What would Jesus buy?

    Sander, if you reread your quote included in my second-to-last post, you clearly wrote "economic value doesn't change". Unless I am missing something here, you agree with my counterpoints to your original position and directly contradict yourself. It is not worth debating with someone who...
  13. Ozrat

    What would Jesus buy?

    If this is how you learned about unchangeable economic values and one-sided markets, I'll stick to learning from reality instead.
  14. Ozrat

    What would Jesus buy?

  15. Ozrat


    I realize that a hybrid vehicle is not exactly an electric vehicle, but a Hummer will last three times longer than a Prius and use almost 50 percent less combined energy doing it. "The nickel contained in the Prius' battery is mined and smelted at a plant in Ontario that has caused so much...