Been away for a long time


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
Hi, folks. Some of you might remember me from years ago. Honestly, it was a miracle that I remembered my login info. For jump starting memories, I was in the US Navy at the time, and active during the time the TheVaultDweller was active. 2015 or so.
How are you all doing? Life going okay? Everyone staying safe?
Is TheVaultDweller still active? I am seeing some familiar names, like Walpknut and Hassknecht.
Is the forum still pretty active? I’m coming back after too much time on the shithole that is Reddit.

Ask me anything!
We have not see him for some time now. We still get plenty of new people but not all of them post that often. Same as always really.
That is a different Vault Dweller isn't it?
There might have been another Vault Dweller (I mean, it's NMA, if I bothered to check I'd probably find dozens of users with variations of "The Vault Dweller" for their names), but I guess the guy in question here is THE The Vault Dweller, Vince D. Weller, Age of Decadence dude.
@The Vault Dweller has last logged in in 2016 here.
The Vault Dweller was too pure a soul to exist in this timeline.
The Vault Dweller... yep. I'd support that notion. Other pure souls... I always thought Sander, and Briosafreak... And then there was the purity of Alec's foot fetish.
Not sure where Sander is these days, but alec had a mental breakdown over a warning point and got banned.
Anyone remember Tagaziel? He became a "lore guru" on the /r/Falloutlore subreddit where he defends to the absolute death Bethesda lore and will make gigantic textposts about how ackshually the idea that APA was an Enclave creation is totally unsubstatianted so X-01 makes perfect sense, and to remind everyone on all occasions that the Fallout Bible is not official canon and that all ideas to come from it must be expunged from thought.
I occasionally see him on my Steam account but I have not talked to him in years, not have I talked to Sander when I see him.

I don't recall if Tagaziel was always a Bethlore defender. I like to think that he wasn't but perhaps I misremember though I am positive he was critical of Fallout 3 at the time.
Either he has changed his tune or he is doing this because he is pissed at the Fallout community here on NMA, either way I no longer care and if he wants to kiss Beth's ass than that is his business.
Yeah wasn't he a furry? I do remember hearing he did have that Face-Heel Turn though.
I think he sorta left in the aftermath of GamerGate and decided that since the evil dudebros don't like Bethesda, he had to "grow up" and leave all the hate behind him, so now will defend them with his life. Not necessarily because he actually likes the lore, but because "we" don't like it.
Not necessarily because he actually likes the lore, but because "we" don't like it.
what in the actual fuck. I mean ho-wh-huh? I think I reached my max limit on brow furrowing after reading something like that. I know gamergate was a thing, I have no experience with it, was it really that bad?
Yeah I 1000% get that vibe too. There's a certain string of Bethesda apologist on Reddit that seem to chiefly do so because lots of gamer chuds (like us grogs here on NMA) don't like Bethesda Fallout. On the likes of /r/gamingcirclejerk where the "It's a good game but a bad Fallout game" is ridiculed and mocked and out of sheer contrarianism they're suddenly massive fans of those games.

Same thing applies. Tagaziel has made a few posts on the Falloutlore sub "Debunking" non-bethesda lore that is still believed by most of the community due to stuff like Van Buren and the Fallout Bible which aren't part of the Pete Hines approved media. Stuff like proving once and for all that the power armor retcons Bethesda made are actually good and made total sense, or that Power Armor is actually not that good at taking damage and is primarily used for carrying stuff rather than defence (Not a joke).
what in the actual fuck. I mean ho-wh-huh? I think I reached my max limit on brow furrowing after reading something like that. I know gamergate was a thing, I have no experience with it, was it really that bad?
Just speculation here, no actual evidence or anything. But the GG-thing and general politics did leave him with a big chip on his shoulder. He came back in 2018 and messed around a bit (like adding a filter so that any link to Nukapedia would redirect to The Vault) and wanted to reinstate Roshambo-style moderation and instaban anyone he didn't like (specifically mentioning GG and wrongthink politics). He got BTFO'd and has not logged in since.