Recent content by Prosatanos

  1. Prosatanos

    FO2 TC: Fallout of Nevada

    I played the mod v0.99 with Pixote translation and that i can say : Fallout of Nevada is top one TC mod.
  2. Prosatanos

    Mod Launcher for Fallout Tactics

    Salut ! Really,really good job Robert.:grin: The link for "Redux" plugin corresponding to Darkfall
  3. Prosatanos

    Fallout of Nevada

    look closely ,boy
  4. Prosatanos

    Fallout of Nevada

    Just check the official page of FoN :
  5. Prosatanos

    To Mod or not to Mod?

    All the thanks are for Gunner of Shi ,you and your team:wink: .Happy New Year ,Mr.House .
  6. Prosatanos

    To Mod or not to Mod?

    To Mod or not to Mod? Yes , "Enclave" is the best choice at this time, but first highly recommend to play it absolutely naked. Happy New Year.
  7. Prosatanos

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3 (Unofficial Expansion)

    @killap In the link for old RP versions ,the path for v1.2 doesn't work.
  8. Prosatanos

    What's Your Favorite Drink?

    Cold water. Marvelous!
  9. Prosatanos

    "Gifted" Perk: overpowered or not?

    It's nice and not overpowered perk, in real life we have such thing.
  10. Prosatanos


    Merry Christmas to all of you
  11. Prosatanos

    Fallout Database

    I have one with locations on it.
  12. Prosatanos

    Which mods/patches for Fallout 1&2?

    The perfect advice !
  13. Prosatanos

    Strange rituals anyone?

    Broken Hills is good place too , It's some kind quiet and comfort to feel like a home , but my favorite place still is base in San Francisco , two floors ,room with big computer ,room for the squad to rest ,there is kitchen. I feel so comfortable there.
  14. Prosatanos

    Strange rituals anyone?

    In every my replay on Fallout 2 , in San Fran's Brotherhood Base I stocking in lockers absolutely strictly separated : weapons , munitions for these weapons , every single armor , explosives , things like : condoms , keys , holodisks , pass cards , rubbish of pocket :) e.t.c . Rituals ? Oh I...
  15. Prosatanos

    Favorite Builds

    Traits : Gifted / Bloody Mess S: 6 P: 8 E: 6 C: 5 I: 8 A: 8 L: 6 Skills : Speech/Lockpicks/Big Guns