Favorite Builds


First time out of the vault
So I've been playing through Fallout 2 again, trying some new builds and it made me curious as to see what some of your guy's favorite builds are. It could be one you find useful, entertaining, or even one you find creative.

One of my personal favorites is a James Bond style build. High Luck, Charisma, and Agility with Small Guns, Stealth, and Speech Tagged. What about you?
I try to pride myself on character variety, but I do favor one build more often than most. Grandiloquent bore that I am, I've come to think of it over the years as "itinerant seeker" or "scribe of the aftermath." Intelligence, Charisma, and Luck are the high stats, with two scraping the ceiling and one trailing slightly behind. Most of the others are at least above-average thanks to Endurance and Strength getting completely shafted-- neither is ever above 4, with END never above 2 or 3. Small Frame and Good Natured are favorite traits, and I usually tag Speech, Sneak, and Doctor, Repair, or Outdoorsman.
1) Luck 10 + Jinxed. It's fantastic. You get the most critical sucesses available (with natural stats) while everyone around you is hurting themselves, losing turns and having their guns explode. Jinxed is an extremely under-rated Trait.

2) Bloody Mess on a melee character, you gotta play as that at least once. Blowing out torsos with fists every kill? Yes please.

3) Fast Shot + Finesse. Shoot more, get more criticals. Cool.

4) Gifted + anything else. It's pretty much cheating (okay definitely cheating) but it's still good fun.

5) INT 10 + Small Guns tag skill, and put every skill point into Small Guns and nothing else until it's maxxed. (Or at least 200%)

6) Awareness, Better Criticals, Slayer or/and Sniper.

7) Slutty characters (Sexpert, Gigolo, Porn Star, Sex Appeal, etc)

Not a build I know, but just various things that are fun.
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1) Luck 10 + Jinxed. It's fantastic. You get the most critical sucesses available (with natural stats) while everyone around you is hurting themselves, losing turns and having their guns explode. Jinxed is an extremely under-rated Trait.

2) Bloody Mess on a melee character, you gotta play as that at least once. Blowing out torsos with fists every kill? Yes please.

3) Fast Shot + Finesse. Shoot more, get more criticals. Cool.

4) Gifted + anything else. It's pretty much cheating (okay definitely cheating) but it's still good fun.

5) INT 10 + Small Guns tag skill, and put every skill point into Small Guns and nothing else until it's maxxed. (Or at least 200%)

6) Awareness, Better Criticals, Slayer or/and Sniper.

7) Slutty characters (Sexpert, Gigolo, Porn Star, Sex Appeal, etc)

Not a build I know, but just various things that are fun.
Those all sound like great fun. Might have to try them ALL out.
lol have fun. I think this is going to be a very interesting thread. On the INT10/SmallGuns one, I don't know how long it'd take in Fallout 2, but in Fallout you can get your Small Guns skill to almost 200% by level 4 :D

A common build is easy to be found on a web search, usually tags Small Guns (or Energy Weapons) / Speech / Lockpick, and for Traits choose Gifted and anything else, and for stats focus on 9 or 10 Agility, high Intelligence, high Perception, 9 or 10 Luck, at least 5 or 6 Strength.
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Bruiser + Small Frame
S: 10
P: 10
E: 1
C: 1
I: 10
A: 10
L: 1
Skills: Sneak and Melee weapon, max them out;
Perks: Silent Running, Silent Death and Slayer;

You pretty much can hide from enemies standing just next to them and you kill everyone with one hit of a knife, a ninja.

Also 10 Luck + Jinxed is amazing as Sduibek already said.
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Choose Gifted and Finesse, tag Small Guns and Speech, start Agility at 8 and with a high Charisma. If you're up for an easy game :)
Ghoster: Oh wow, I've never seen a build like that. I may need to try it out. Do you use that in FO1 or 2 or both?
Mostly in F1 since I find this one much more interesting than F2, but it works in F2 as well, probably even better.

Question, why do you take the -2AP hit from Bruiser and 1 Luck, and how do you fit them into the playing style without it killing you?

Since you're going melee and have 1 Luck anyway (meaning less criticals), you might as well take Heavy-Handed instead: +4 Melee Damage is a lot at the beginning which should help keep you going until you get the good Perks.
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Traits : Gifted / Bloody Mess
S: 6
P: 8
E: 6
C: 5
I: 8
A: 8
L: 6
Skills : Speech/Lockpicks/Big Guns
Sduibek said:
Question, why do you take the -2AP hit from Bruiser and 1 Luck, and how do you fit them into the playing style without it killing you?

Since you're going melee and have 1 Luck anyway (meaning less criticals), you might as well take Heavy-Handed instead: +4 Melee Damage is a lot at the beginning which should help keep you going until you get the good Perks.
Well, you could also get "Gifted" trait, which would be definitely much effective; that's just way I play it. Also 1 Luck isn't that much of an issue, when you'll get Slayer perk you'll have critics only anyways.
I use a build based off a US Army chemical corps officer in FO3.

•small arms
Those are my main specialties

Heavy Handed


Strength -- 10
Perception -- 2
Endurance -- 10
Charisma -- 2
Intelligence -- 3
Agility -- 10
Luck -- 10

Tag Skills:

Melee Weapons


Bonus HtH damage 2x
Bonus HtH attacks
Action Boy 2x

Ultimate dumb muscle...