Recent content by RoCkEr93

  1. R

    Favorite Quote

    ''I feel like I'm forgeting something,oh well'' This is from the end of a quest from fallout 2 in broken hills,I think it went like that
  2. R

    Fallout Monopoly

    If this comes out on the market I'm going to be the first in line to buy it and then learn all of It's secrets so that I can become the supreme ruler Muahaha
  3. R

    Fallout 1 version will never have children.

    Very ridiculous,children deserve to be punished sometimes by being punished with a fist in the groin :)) I really don't get it why wouldn't they include the children? Are they afraid that the players will go bersek in theyr town killing kids just because they did that i a game?:))
  4. R

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Nice mask 10/10
  5. R

    A total V.A.T.S character

    Ok so I want to start FO:NV and I want to make a VATS character because my PC moves to slow to play the game without VATS Se here is where you guys come in,I want some advice on how to make the ultimate VATS character,what stats should I have to complement the char better and so on,what items...
  6. R

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Still gives me nightmares 8/10 :P
  7. R

    Wanna get into modding

    I'm not thinking of going big and exagerate,I just want to learn the basics of making a building and adding diferent things in it and maybe in the future making actual maps,just for the fun of learning some new things while I still can
  8. R

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    8/10 He kinda creeps me :|
  9. R

    Wanna get into modding

    So I want to start modding fallout(1&2) and I want to know which tools I need and what tutorials should I read to get started and familiarize myself with them. So if someone is kind enough to give a list from A to Z on what tools and tutorials I will need to get started I will be very gratefull...
  10. R

    I need help patching.

    Try killaps restoration project,it has all the latest patches in it and you can play the game at it's full capacity
  11. R

    Going to start Fallout 2, any tips?

    SPOILER ALERT If you like girl character name your character Buffy and go to then and talk to Rebecca and she will give you some very good gear. You should the game the way you like and the way you fell,we just give you advice that helped us the most when we played :P
  12. R

    Fallout 2 character...

    Well you can do it but you have to use these stats,I personally finished the game with 120 speech skill,and I just realised I wasted a tag skill and points. Speech is good in some cases but it can not protect you from fighting INT should always be 10 no matter what char you play,AG 9-10,if you...
  13. R

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Can't mess with Batman 10/10
  14. R

    Your current Fallout Playthough

    Well I have started FO2 with killaps restoration and made a unarmed character Here are the stats ST 5 PE 5 EN 9 CH 2 IN 9 AG 9 LK 7 Traits:One hander,Gifted Tagg skills:Unarmed,Sneak,Lockpick My best character so far,I used a tutorial on how to make the unarmed character and it's...
  15. R

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread