It seems like people here try to spoil you game and give some bad advice too.
I don't know what type of character you want to play so I tell you about my way

First you absolutely don't have to tag more than one weapon skill especialy not the outdoorsman... special encounters yield tones of xp we like xp.
Game got bit more balanced weapon wise and there is something great in each category tagging big guns or energy weapons make early game challenging and imho more fun. (I tag only energy weapons coz i like them -_-') If you decide to tag small guns and you pump this 30-40 of first skillpoints into it you can be eye/head hitting killing machine at level 3-4
Don't you ever tag skills that are learned from book... tag speech for shure + weapon + (weapon2 or lockpick which is useful like hell)
Few guidelines about stat
str of 5 is enough
cha 4-5 and int 6+ are minimum becouse you will be missing some quests also charisma / 2 = amount of npc in your team
10 agility is mandatory
en of 2 is often more than enough en of 3 will give you 30% more hp

perception as high as you can

(min. 7)
traits ofc gifted and wth you want (I suggest finesse)
There no crazy time limit like in fallout1 you can take your time some quests might be too hard when you encounter them first time
you can skip them than return.
If you do like I did (taging energy weapons only) when some npc marks you "new reno" on the map and you are level at least 5-6 you should go there if you are impatient for some laser action
It's hard with cash at start but hunting rifle and leather armor are worth every penny also solving quests thus increasing your reputation in current city greatly reduces prices.
That should be about it without spoiling too much.