Maybe, but mismanagement and poor QA (a Bethesda staple, their standards obviously aren't that high in regards to bugs, it's just that the reaction to New Vegas's bugs and Fallout 3's/Skyrim's was somehow different from the human garbage known as games journalists, probably because it wasn't...
It was likely on his twitter or RPGCodex, yes, but I can't find it. I do specifically remember him name-dropping Caravan and the Reloading Bench as feature creep that should have been culled in favor of more bug fixing.
There is this post from the Codex which basically mirrors the sentiment:
Meh. I actually watched the whole video. There is no evidence at all that Bethesda was "literally sabotaging Obsidian throughout the NV development process". Not a single shred of evidence of that has been found. Chris Avellone himself talks about the bonus situation saying that it really was...
We all know Fallout 3 is terrible. With that in mind New Vegas could have turned out much, much, much worse than it did. If Bethesda had a bigger hand in it then they probably would have forced Obsidian to make the BoS the "good guys" or whatever.
The biggest thing that I can remember in regards to this was Bethesda telling Avellone that he can't have the "San Francisco was nuked by Navarro after the Oil Rig was blown up, because Navarro thought San Francisco was responsible" thing, which is a cool enough idea but it was definitely born...
The way bursts in Fallout and Fallout 2 work is that only a percentage of your rounds will ever have a chance to hit an enemy you're aiming at at anything past 1 hex of range, I think it's something like 40% but I haven't bothered looking into this stuff in forever.
So the Gatling Laser fires...
Informative post, I think a lot of people lump Heavy Handed in with Bruiser more often than they should. Bruiser is one trait that doesn't hold up under any proper scrutiny.
Not to sound unthankful to the original attempt but that Cassidy voiceover is definitely better than the previous one, sounds much more like how you would expect Cassidy to sound IMO. Only problem is that the uhh... volume? or inflection of the voice doesn't actually fit the talking head's mouth...
Thanks a lot Darek. Always nice knowing that whenever I run into a totally random obscure problem with Fallout 2 or the RP during the umpteenth playthrough that a search of the NMA forums yields the solution.:salute:
NuDoom certainly looks like it has the potential to be good. Too bad the demo they were showing was on an Xbone at sub-30 frames per second and being played noticeably extra slowly for that "cinematic effect" with an Xbox controller. The gameplay itself shows that they're clearly trying to take...