First time out of the vault

Seeing as the war occured right when miniturization was beginning to get popular in the FO verse (at least I think so what with microfusion batteries and prototype optical disks, but huge ass mainframes and computers.) It's highly unlikely that such a jetpack would exist as pre war tech, and come on, scavenging a jet pack?I have to ask, why do some people here not like the jetpack power armor?
Well actually, scavenging a jet pack doesn't sound like the weirdest thing in fallout, I mean let's be honest a lot of things in fallout wouldn't fly in our reality by any standards...
We get it, you're under 20 and Fallout 3 was your first Fallout game. More shitposting
1. I'm actually 22
2. Yes, Fallout 3 was my first Fallout game.
3. I'm not shit posting, I'm giving my opinion