Recent content by SouthboundSoul

  1. SouthboundSoul

    Three Dog is an idiot, a hypocrite and a poser

    I honestly don't think Emil Pagliarulo is that clever or self aware. Three Dog really doesn't feel like he's an idiot on purpose. It really does feel like he's just terribly written.
  2. SouthboundSoul

    Three Dog is an idiot, a hypocrite and a poser

    I guess Big Town is kind of cool because it feels like an actual Fallout location kind of.
  3. SouthboundSoul

    Three Dog is an idiot, a hypocrite and a poser

    I mean, I don't dislike him. But he's not really a character, more an archetype who happened to have a talented voice actor. Like, what is his character? He's a Sheriff, he's kind of gruff but also friendly? He also turns his back on an armed man who planned to blow up the whole town.
  4. SouthboundSoul

    Three Dog is an idiot, a hypocrite and a poser

    You know, I really am tempted to restart the game from the door of vault 101, and just literally kill everyone because it would be so cathartic. I dont think there's a single likable character outside of MAYBE Fawkes because hes kind of cool even if he is one dimensional as hell.
  5. SouthboundSoul

    Three Dog is an idiot, a hypocrite and a poser

    I remember back in the day before Fallout 4 came out, in maybe 2012, he did all this clickbaity stuff about Fallout 4 on his twitter and then when he was questioned about it he came out like "PSYCH! I DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT IT". Plus, PC Gamer runs constant articles about him trying to get on...
  6. SouthboundSoul

    Three Dog is an idiot, a hypocrite and a poser

    So recently I started replaying Fallout 3 through the Tales of Two Wastelands mod for the first time in over a decade. Now that I'm no longer 16, I definitely understand the massive amount of hate levied at this game. I'm not even that far in and I've already decided to stop playing it. (Totally...
  7. SouthboundSoul

    Is there anyone left?

    Well it was awarded Game of The Year so I guess that answers your first question. And I like fallout 1 and 2. I'm addicted to the first one at the moment. But the Isometric gameplay featured in Fallout 1 and 2 would not sell in todays market. Grand Theft Auto was a Isometric game that they...
  8. SouthboundSoul

    What engine SHOULD the Fallout Series run on?

    An isometric game simply would not sell. If you had an option to switch between, then yeah, but it simply would not sell. Out of all the different types of views games used to have, there are basically only two left (Unless you're playing an RTS or something) Third Person and First Person...
  9. SouthboundSoul

    How do YOU create a character?

    With the S.P.E.C.A.L roleplaying character system. XD
  10. SouthboundSoul

    Is there anyone left?

    I actually think the change in gameplay was good. I hate games that don't evolve or change and stay the same game with different levels. And if Fallout 3 was made like the original Fallouts with the kinds of games that are around nowadays, no one else would play it. Expect old time Fallout fans...
  11. SouthboundSoul

    GOOD story ideas for a future Fallout game.

    I thought that one that was set in the far future, where society has failed completely, and there's no NCR, no Legion, Brotherhood, Followers or anything. Just a heap of tribes and villages. And the player is tasked with uniting the tribes for some reason I haven't thought of yet.
  12. SouthboundSoul

    Fallout 4 beginning

    I like this idea. God damn brotherhood are so over rated. Every "Fallout" fan that's only played 3 and New Vegas think they are the greatest guys ever and are the good guys. They are a Neutral faction.
  13. SouthboundSoul

    Do you want to see player vehicles make a comeback?

    As cool as it sounds, it will be Rage all over again. Such a disappointment that game.
  14. SouthboundSoul

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Guns are basically banned in my back water country (Australia).
  15. SouthboundSoul

    Post-Apocalyptic games that aren't Fallout?

    Yeah, I'll give it a look. They ruin everything these days. They ruined RAGE, a game I was looking forward to for so long and they made it Fallout 3 with cars. Damn you ZeniMax Media for buying Id Software and forcing them to publish all their games with that damn company.