GOOD story ideas for a future Fallout game.


First time out of the vault
I thought that one that was set in the far future, where society has failed completely, and there's no NCR, no Legion, Brotherhood, Followers or anything. Just a heap of tribes and villages. And the player is tasked with uniting the tribes for some reason I haven't thought of yet.
SouthboundSoul said:
I thought that one that was set in the far future, where society has failed completely, and there's no NCR, no Legion, Brotherhood, Followers or anything. Just a heap of tribes and villages. And the player is tasked with uniting the tribes for some reason I haven't thought of yet.

GOOD story ideas for a future Fallout game.

it SUCKS..its the same linear idea as both F3 and NV have...

waht we need is complete freedom of choice untill you somehow fuck shit up and THEN you have to fix it..but when you DO fix it its not just game over it goes on untill you fuck up again in some other lets say youre playing as a tribal in a tribe thats at war with another tribe, so you can work on eliminating that other tribe, relocate or just find a way to make peace while at the same time the tribes sare still waging war and not waiting on you..stuff like that but for gods sake stop with the chosen one allready give the guy a break
Evil Banana said:
it SUCKS..its the same linear idea as both F3 and NV have...

New Vegas's questline, where you choose multiple paths and factions, isn't the usual definition of linear.
White Knight said:
Evil Banana said:
it SUCKS..its the same linear idea as both F3 and NV have...

New Vegas's questline, where you choose multiple paths and factions, isn't the usual definition of linear.

Yeah, he usually doesn't know what he is talking about. Just nod and agree. :lol:
Definitely would like something where you don't have some huge impact or change the course of history of a region. More like you're a regular shlub just trying to get by and not of the greatest moral character at first (think Vic from A boy and his dog).

In a similar vein to what the OP said, maybe have it around the time people started coming out of the vault and the various tribes were formed. This way you could incorporate some of the original factions and characters without it being completely a rehash.

I dunno, it's kind of hard at this point to inject new ideas into the series without going to far off course. We've all seen by now the unspeakable abominations, the super evil factions, the advanced technologies, etc. Maybe a game that was more psychological and focused on the scarcity of resources at first would take it more back to its "roots". But at the same time you don't want to eliminate the humorous and campy side of the game either.
i kno exactly what im talking about..and yes NV is linear, because theres only so many factions and paths you can choose..just because its 2 or 3 more than in F3 doesent change a damn thing
Evil Banana said:
i kno exactly what im talking about..and yes NV is linear, because theres only so many factions and paths you can choose..just because its 2 or 3 more than in F3 doesent change a damn thing

So, Multiple Paths = Linear? yeah, you know what you are talking about.
indeed my point i couldnt have said it better myself..i dont understand the glorification of a mediocre objective thought..
I guess I missed the part when stablishing an allaince Between the NCR and the BOS, and destroying the Bunker for Caesar, or ignoring them and letting them take over Hellios One at teh end of the game where the exact same thing.
it makes no significant difference..but thats just one of the problems..what i hate is that people mostly forget the R in RPG, especially in mmoRpgs..but thats not the players fault because mmoRpgs arent really Rpgs are they, no theyre grinders..theres no Rpg element in there other than character design..but then again there are Rpg fans that try oh so hard to bring that Rpg element in there, like me for instance..and i hope to god that Dark millennium will allow me to vividly play the role of a Techpriest enginseer, one thing i love more than fallout is the deliciously dark and bloody world of Warhammer..
You are just trying to seem like you have something to say by writting a bunch of nothing aren't you?
according to your opinion i glad i dont run my life based on opinions..if i did id be really fucked..i admit i dont inspire a great fanbase wherever i appear indeed its the opposite most of the times and i have many theories about why..well not really many, several..but i dont think youre interested so i wont bore you further
Why must you spam the poor man's thread? About the OP, I like it. I don't want to see more NCR, Enclave and big cities, I want to see tribes, people fighting for their survival and destroyed cities like in 1 and 3(well 3 had Enclave but it was still good. Not to say that 2 and NV weren't good, they were, I just like 1 and 3 more.)
well theyre asking for it really..they always have to have an opinion and i hate to leave things unspoken im that kind of person i guess its petty but i hate misinformation and misunderstandings...and thank you for liking my OP i like it too, id love to have more tribes and scenes like 20 strong men from each tribe going at it on a field fighting over a herd of brahmin or such a thing not something stupid and political
Evil Banana said:
well theyre asking for it really..they always have to have an opinion and i hate to leave things unspoken im that kind of person i guess its petty but i hate misinformation and misunderstandings...and thank you for liking my OP i like it too, id love to have more tribes and scenes like 20 strong men from each tribe going at it on a field fighting over a herd of brahmin or such a thing not something stupid and political

Misunderstandings!? You have no fucking clue what you are talking about! Anyone who disagrees with you is just asking for it? Dude, you are just trying to pass time until you can post in your fucking Roleplay thread again. You have nothing relevant to add to this conversation, and if you did, it would be too much of a fucking hassle to decipher your gibberish anyway. You are actually struggling to find stuff to say...ya know, like drawing shit out when you don't really know what the fuck is going on...needlessly dragging on into what can only be described as a juvenile bitch fit...when you don't get the attention you think you deserve...ya a stupid teenager