Recent content by Stardude82

  1. S

    (Don't) Give me that old time RPG combat

    I disagree, you could queue attacks and pause after your queues were empty... which made it much closer to turn based then DA:O which really was real-time with pause. There was no real twitch factor except when you needed to move, but that didn't matter much because most combat was in your...
  2. S

    (Don't) Give me that old time RPG combat

    KOTOR was turned based... KOTOR was in essence turn based. I really liked that queuing system.... That was a very popular series, too. I can imagine a combat system where there was a pause before attack to queue and then default attack if no actions were queued. Maybe set triggers if...
  3. S

    Fallout: New Vegas Lonesome Road released on Steam/PSN NA

    Beat it. I found it almost unplayable at Level 40+ on Very Hard and very easy when I switched to Normal. Very linear, maybe 7 locations not on the main path. I'm still not sure anything made sense...
  4. S

    PSM praises writing of Fallout: New Vegas

    I for one am optimisitic.. All I've read seems to confirm that it follows a lot of the material which is in the FO Bible and probably even recycles a lot of the material from Van Buren. The intact nature of Vegas is even a possible reference to Wasteland where "after the bombs fell, a number...
  5. S

    Alpha Protocol Delayed until Spring 10!

    This comes on the heels of a Sega product evaluator commenting: "felt barely RPG. Initial level too challenging for players." Personally, I don't have a problem with a good sneaking game like Thief: The Dark Project with only minor RPG elements or a challenging game with multiple approaches...
  6. S

    Cant wait for Fallout Las Vegas

    wait a month... In a month Alpha Protocol will come out and if it sucks, we can all not hold our breath for the next 11+ months after that. This was a game which they had plenty of time for development and was not somebody else's IP. I did enjoy KOTOR II though still. After that, there's...
  7. S

    What we'd like to see in New Vegas?

    How about that Alpha Protocol? The previews of Alpha Protocol I've seen make it look really deep with complex faction, character/weapons customization and varied approaches. If the game is a deep as it seems, we should have hope! Anyways stuff I'd like to see: 1. I'd like it to continue...