Recent content by ThatZenoGuy

  1. ThatZenoGuy


    The Oblivion Quests are really shallow, but it's melee system is far more advanced than any other Bethesda title. Positioning, range of the weapon you're using and stamina usage all matter a lot more than any of Bethesda title. Also magic was in a good position, not 'soultrap on floor to...
  2. ThatZenoGuy


    To be fair, is anyone here convinced Bethesda of all companies could pull of fun and engaging complex mechanics? The last time they tried pulling that off was Oblivion, which was great in many areas but god damn the levelling system was just plain BACKWARDS.
  3. ThatZenoGuy


    Yep, after their initial trailer proved what we all already knew (Bethesda couldn't design a firearm to save their lives), they STILL fucked up their 'fix' because the retards there forgot about the second camera mode the game offers.
  4. ThatZenoGuy


    I still love how after being called them out for the 'shotgun' firing square-shaped rifle shells through a round barrel, they made the weapon 'caseless'. Except it still ejects cases in third person.
  5. ThatZenoGuy

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    Yeah I admit Fallout 2 has a few too many weapons which are just the actual weapon name. When FO1's naming convention was "Caliber of weapon/Type Of Weapon" P90c should technically be 'advanced 10mm SMG' or some such. I think completely changing the weapon itself (G11 into something not a G11)...
  6. ThatZenoGuy

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    Did my first Fallout Et Tu run a few weeks ago, was very fun to see a couple FO2 things in FO1, even if they were renamed for some odd reason? "Advanced Assault Rifle" is the FAL??
  7. ThatZenoGuy

    Gender politics in The Outer Worlds

    Issue always comes down to motivation, in the 90's there'd usually be a good reason why such a character was added, perhaps she's the key to a certain quest or item, or she's an easy way to befriend another important character, or maybe she's just genuinely a good companion. Nowadays we should...
  8. ThatZenoGuy

    Gender politics in The Outer Worlds

    I mean if you can't help but violently jerk yourself off to completely regular women, that's fine, but you don't have to share it with the class. :V
  9. ThatZenoGuy

    Gender politics in The Outer Worlds

    They also made all the women in The Outer Worlds insufferable and dyke-like. For some stupid reason. Because that's what I want to see when I play video games, ugly dyke women which I can see a dozen of if I just take a brisk stroll outside.
  10. ThatZenoGuy

    Obsidian repeatedly declined by Bethesda to do more spinoffs for their games

    Yeah after Outer Worlds, I don't really want Obsidian making any Bethesda title. If there was ever talent at Obsidian, which NV proves there was. It's no longer there.
  11. ThatZenoGuy

    How are you?

    How are you?
  12. ThatZenoGuy

    Fallout TV-show Teaser Trailer just dropped

    In a nutshell years after New Vegas released, a metric shitload of twitter users all started insisting that it was the 'transgender Fallout' and that many got out of the closet via playing it, because...Apparently New Vegas is full of gay characters and what not. Even though basically none of...
  13. ThatZenoGuy

    Fallout TV-show Teaser Trailer just dropped

    The troon New Vegas psyop always bothered me, it's one of the most inorganic game 'fandoms' ever created. It'd be like if a shitload of Vietnamese started playing FO1 next year and from then on FO1 is called "The Vietnam Fallout Game", that's absurd.
  14. ThatZenoGuy


    Biggass necro, but I saw some retarded predditors use this forum page as an example of "Fallout fans being the reason why FO4's weapons are so terribly designed", but the FO1-2 AR weighs like 7 pounds, that's perfectly inline for a 5mm rifle (basically necked down 5.56mm) that has to replace...
  15. ThatZenoGuy

    I am back. :V

    I am back. :V