They also made all the women in The Outer Worlds insufferable and dyke-like.
For some stupid reason. Because that's what I want to see when I play video games, ugly dyke women which I can see a dozen of if I just take a brisk stroll outside.
All I'm reading is waa waa I can't masturbate to my vidya gaem.
Yeah I mean hashtag not all and all that jazz but a lot of mainstream shit seem to despise female attractiveness. They make the claim that it is because women are not supposed to be eyecandy for the dudes but the end result is just that a lot of female characters look unappealing. It's not about them looking like a bimbo with extreme proportions, it's just about them looking aesthetically pleasing. My biggest problem with a lot of female characters in modern slop is that art design and iconography is fucking dead. They just don't know how to design an interesting female character. And so to me it just comes across as bitter and resentful. And all I can assume from that is that they have a weird bias against female attractiveness.
I don't care if the women are ugly, but I do care when they got obviously designed to push an agenda. It's not a fucking accident that 75% of the NPCs in leadership positions are females and 100% of all female NPCs look like butch lesbians (and probably are, too). You don't even need to go through the credits to deduce that this game got designed by militant feminist women, homosexuals, hipsters, californians and all of the other stereotypical decadent liberals who are obsessed about identity politics.
Take the literal first companion you meet in the game, for example. Her side quest is literally, I fucking kid you not, about how he's an "asexual romantic lesbian" and about how she is in love with some random fucking mechanic. If you want to do the quest at all, you have absolutely no choices whatsoever other than being a total cuck and help the one female companion in the whole game that is even slightly feminine looking go date someone else.
Why is being some beta soyboy literally the only roleplaying option that is supported in this game? Why does the game assume that my player character is supportive of the whole LGBT feminism bullshit? Why am I forced to take sentences like "I'm asexual" seriously? Where is my option to laugh at Parvatti's face the second she started saying retarded shit to me? Like, imagine if this was a quest in Fallout 2. Straight away there would probably be an option to punch her in the face and tell her to fuck off from your crew because you don't associate yourself with homosexuals. If you wanted to take the more hardcore route there would even be an option to rape her in order to heal her mind from whatever the fuck is wrong with her.
The whole angle of sexual identity politics contaminates this game so pervasively that you simply cannot unsee it everywhere once you have already noticed it. And everything is so sterilized and neutered too. For a game that's supposed to represent a dystopic future, everything about the way humans sexually relate to one another feels sanitized to death. There's no filth or abusiveness to anything, every relationship that is portrayed between NPCs is "healthy" and kind. There's no husband that beats his wife, there's no wife that cheats on her husband, there's no girlfriend that makes fun of her boyfriend behind his back, there's no prostitution, there's no homeless woman giving out blowjobs for 10 dollars, there's no corporate warlord with a harem of war brides, there's no submissive girl in skimpy clothes who's just yearning to get chocked while being fucked, etc... Meanwhile Fallout 2, Planescape Torment, Vampire Bloodlines and even CP2077 had
ALL of that shit.
The whole thing is so clean and "feminism friendly" that even your own character can't have sex at all. With anyone. Period. Even if you are playing as a female, you still can't seduce Parvatti, which is the one companion that has a "romantic" storyline going on in her sidequest. Your
only option for progressing through that quest is being a tolerant little cuck who accepts rejection just fine and helps the girl go date someone else instead.
This isn't the first game to have a shitton of dykes and faggots in it, and that's not the crux of the issue I have with it, but when I got to know characters like Arcade and Veronica in Fallout New Vegas it didn't feel like the reason they were there was because the developers wanted to signal to the whole world how "virtuous" and aligned with the liberal world order they were, and certainly didn't get the impression that they were meant to be mirror reflections of the designers' own lifestyle and ideological outlook either. In New Vegas you even get to sell Arcade as a slave or fuck-toy to the legion, blow up Veronica's home right in front of her face, and bait Cassidy into walking right into a trap that ends with her getting melted into a pool of goo. The Outer Worlds, on the other hand, feels like it got made by people who placed their own disgustingly liberal political views above everything, and weren't willing to support or allow any form of player roleplaying, expression or playstyle that deviated from their desired "message". And the gameplay, questing and storytelling that there is to this game isn't anywhere near good enough to make me able to stomach or overlook the overt anti-masculine and anti-straight nature inherent not just to the game itself, but clearly to the people who wrote and designed it as well.