I'll be honest I have a more right leaning way of looking at things but i'm at an odd area with gun control.
While I do defend the second amendment I think we do need to get a better hand on who owns a gun like maybe a person with a history of mental issues probably shouldn't
own a fire arm...
I think it has to do mostly with a sort of ego let me explain. While a lot of Athiest i'm sure aren't like this guy I think with today's way of thinking most Athiest seem to have this idea that they're intelligence is somehow way superior to those who follow a religion. They seem to think that...
Actually I would disagree with you on that tbh if it's the text thing i'll stop that but as for the gun control post I made actually did fit the discussion I also find it funny how between the two of us you've shown nothing but rudeness I would hardly call your warning posts polite either.
The way I see it Black Lives matter wants to be seen as a good group supporting black Americans but honestly they're just a giant nuisance I mean do I need to bring up the Bernie Sanders protest they literally kicked the man off his own stage the same man might I add who supports black people...
Okay so let me get this straight this one post about a jar of mayo which is meant to be silly given ya know this whole forums about spreading some positive vibes I get how the other posts might be an "issue" or whatever but seriously this is where I draw the line? Either you have some sort of...