Recent content by The Vault Dweller

  1. The Vault Dweller

    What are your favorite open ended/sandbox games?

    I think it's worth playing just enough Dwarf Fortress to know what's going on in game so you can read that and understand it fully. I have.
  2. The Vault Dweller

    Hi! Are you a Touhou fan or did you just like the avatar picture?

    Hi! Are you a Touhou fan or did you just like the avatar picture?
  3. The Vault Dweller

    It's a great time to be a 4X Space Strategy fan!

    I'm eagerly awaiting all those 4X games. In fact with so many I really think that this (along with many other genres) are part of the "second golden age" of gaming so to speak and if you go by the number of titles is better than it's ever been in history.
  4. The Vault Dweller

    What are your favorite open ended/sandbox games?

    Don't Starve, but I don't like the gradually increasing difficulty or resources which though rarely used don't respawn. I have yet to complete the single player story mode in spite of many hours playing. I also have barely explored caves and haven't touched the new expansion with seafaring and...
  5. The Vault Dweller


    As someone who is a nature lover I've gone and go hiking often. As someone who is curious and also a worrier I know the basic skills in case of emergency. It helps that my Father was an avid outdoorsman and that I am a Biologist who has studied a lot about nature. There's plenty I haven't...
  6. The Vault Dweller

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I'm playing on the lowest difficulty Beginner. : /
  7. The Vault Dweller

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I watched a friend play an overhaul mod for the original x-com that makes a new game of high quality and was played through a front-end that had all the typical modern improvements (like large resolution, quick save/load, etc.). I wanted to play it as much as play the old x-coms (which I only...
  8. The Vault Dweller

    Phobias Thread

    I have always had a severe fear of heights (though falling makes more sense). It doesn't make me panic, scream, or cry, but just extremely nervous. Thing is as someone who loves the outdoors and hiking I've often found myself walking or driving near a steep slope high up and wondered why I...
  9. The Vault Dweller

    Do you think we have control of our lives?

    I want to believe that life is entirely based on personal decisions, but that would lead to everyone being totally good and never bad which given reality isn't the case. The problem is at least half of life is everyone else's decisions that should only apply to them, but apply to others and...
  10. The Vault Dweller

    What's your ancestry?

    I totally agree no one should feel guilt for something they didn't do personally, but everyone takes history seriously and they can't seem to differentiate themselves if their "identity" is part of a group that did anything at any point in history. Yeah just don't try to eat me please. :smile:
  11. The Vault Dweller

    What's your ancestry?

    I don't care for lineage talk. It just gives people an invalid reason to either be proud of things they had no part in (such as having ancestors who were purebred) or shame for things they didn't do (like having ancestors who were enslaved). In fact I thought part of the founding ideals of the...
  12. The Vault Dweller

    Boost Your Ego - What do you think of other NMAers thread

    Truth is there are no people who've reached adulthood without either one big or a few minor personality traits that are negative in some way. I've also found the "best" people have exaggerated personalities that make them intensely good in some ways and terrible in others, but they appear...
  13. The Vault Dweller

    After finishing Planescape:Torment I have a few questions [Spoilers]

    I'm glad this got brought up and both of you have summarized my thoughts perfectly. It's...hard to judge. Making and playing a specific character within a game with choices and consequences then suddenly revoking that with only one very specific ending available should be a travesty of game...
  14. The Vault Dweller

    Atomic Society: Act as judge and lawmaker of your own post-apocalyptic city

    Good idea and impressive work so far! You came to a wise place to spread it too. I'll probably fund this.
  15. The Vault Dweller

    Life after death thread

    Gonzalez great topic and a great way to give it a catalyst with that study (since normally this topic ends up being "either you believe or don't"). As far as the study goes no one is sure at what point the brain stops being active separate from other organs (such as the heart) and as SuAside...