HOLY SHIT THIS IS WHAT IVE BEEN SAYIN. total cringebag too, everytime i relize there is about to be a howl from his mouth i shut the radio off. at times i even listen to fucking enclave radio because at least edens rants have some cool personallity in them. three dog is an overexaduration of a...
one more thing to add. NUKA BREAK WILL FOREVER BE MY CANON FALLOUT MOVIE. it was better than fallout 4, 76, and every other piece of official fallout media after vegas. it is better than the TV show, as it knows when to be serious and when to be funny. #makenukabreakgreatagain
i think you're right, but wouldn't that cut of shady from the rest of the ncr? i mean, divide to the south, mountains to the west, the death valleyto the east, and jackshit to the north for miles.
i heard a theory about the 3rd city, that it was vegas. that coudnt be, could it? if it is, that would mean v13, v15, and shady are cut off from the rest of california by the divide.