Recent content by Tihi

  1. T

    Fallout DS?

    i would prefer psp version. though playing on ds has some perks, psp is stronger system and i believe gameplay cutbacks wouldn't be necessary (it would allow "bigger" game)
  2. T

    Difficulty? Help me decided where to start.

    New Vegas seems pretty easy to me. I'm playing on normal (only because I don't like having to shoot somebody in the head 20 times) and hardcore. I've played for 7-8 hours and didn't die once. there were enemies that were harder to kill, but nothing too hard. if difficulty would give enemies...
  3. T

    deciding on 4 eyes

    oh, i thought glasses themselves give PER +2 I guess that PER +2 simply refers to my char's perk. glasses themselves actually don't give bonus. thanks.
  4. T

    deciding on 4 eyes

    no it's not. it's supposed to be that way. @ whirlingdervish - thanks for the tip, but I prefer to find it myself. edit: i found them, but now I have different issue: my PE is 7 four eyed should give +1 hat should give +1 and glasses themselves should give +2 and my PE is 9...
  5. T

    deciding on 4 eyes

    i played for few hours and still haven't found glasses. and I'm four eyed. I guessed It's easy way to increase stats but completely forgot about helmets :wall:
  6. T

    Impressions you got about F:NV on Eurogamer

    sound interesting, can't wait to try it :)
  7. T

    The Fog Fall - a Post-apoc flash game

    sounds interesting, I'll check it. thanks :)
  8. T

    Creepiest part in Fallout 3?

    nothing was especially creepy, but if i had to chose, it would probably be point lookout when faced to those hillbillys with shovels
  9. T

    Is F3 a part of the Fallout canon?

    I'm wandering because most "older" players consider FOT canon but not F3. That's why I thought direct comparison would be interesting.
  10. T

    Is F3 a part of the Fallout canon?

    can somebody elaborate on why fallout tactics with it's midwest settings would be considered canon and fallout 3 not? maybe someone can make a list like: BOS----------------------FOT ok because...F3 not ok because..... Super mutants------------FOT ok because...F3 not ok because..... maybe...
  11. T

    Recommend DOS Games Here!

    king's bounty (no, not remake :D) ufo: enemy unknown ishar series (ishar 2 was my favorite) syndicate (original, not wars) adventure games like monkey island 1&2, but it's better to play them with scummvm
  12. T

    Favorite CONSOLE Rpgs

    probably chrono trigger and suikoden 2 vandal hearts was nice with tactical combat
  13. T

    delay or not delay new vegas?

    if it will help new vegas to become excellent game, even 10 years isn't too much.
  14. T

    delay or not delay new vegas?

    if it will make it better game, delay it for 2 years! there are always other games to fill the void :)
  15. T

    Weird/Stupid fears on gaming?

    hell yeah! it's hard to remember all games, but this comes to mind: Ishar 2, I believe it was Akeer's island. I was afraid of the witch. the atmosphere itself wasn't so scary, but I was SO afraid that she will kill my crew aaaaaaaah :D I've recently played F.E.A.R and in one scene I...