Recent content by Trithne

  1. Trithne

    New Vegas vs. FO3 humor

    You also get that if you have Luck 7. Only less shouty.
  2. Trithne

    Are Bethesda games too buggy?

    None of which Fallout 3 possessed.
  3. Trithne

    Brother None counts down his favourite games

    That's a half-giant. So a really buff chick that's about 12 feet tall. I love me some Shattered Lands. Did you try Wake of the Ravager, BN? Assuming you could get past the game-killing bugs that riddle it.
  4. Trithne

    Fallout's international following

    I'd attribute that to the Europese having higher standards or something. US gamers have a tendency to move from one shiny thing to another. Always have, with few exceptions. It's not just FO. The best System Shock site is run by a German, and so on. I like to think it's just better...
  5. Trithne

    Wired: Games need Hugos too

    Ahh, gaming industry trying to claim it's just as developed and deserves the same kind of recognition as novels again. I'd just like to see developers forget all that 'story' crap for a moment, and focus on making a genuinely good game with the gameplay, not a sub-par game with no merit...
  6. Trithne

    Is it normal...

    That's Fallout 2.
  7. Trithne

    The water situation on the West Coast

    Pretty much this. Cleaning water of impurities is easy, which makes the entire plot of FO3 moot. The Vault wanting a water-chip is more to do with their sterile and sealed nature.
  8. Trithne

    Jeff Gardiner on aliens

    If you examine the ship, there's a bumper sticker that reads "Property of Area 51." That's an Easter Egg, right there. Is the footprint proof Godzilla is canon because you get a Stealth Boy to take with you?
  9. Trithne

    Zeta achievements

    Back in my day, if I wanted to know how far a friend had progressed through a game, I asked him. An Xbox game may have up to, and no more than, 1,750 points worth of Gamerscore. Many don't reach that level, but with each DLC, Bethesda adds more, until they reach the arbitrary limit. Therefore...
  10. Trithne

    FOnline: 2238 Developers Video #1

    Actually most of the uber-itemed up people in either Diablo just cheated their items into existence. Game had a huge issue with that.
  11. Trithne

    Should i buy fallout 3?

    I don't imagine all them were bought out, as much as it's true the games journalism gig is a messy business. But high scores and huge sales do not necessarily make a game good in the eyes of all individuals. The problem seems to lie with a serious case of groupthink. Obviously, if something...
  12. Trithne

    Grupo 97 interviews J.E. Sawyer

    Unless you're the kind who likes long battles in that style and the challenge of keeping alive through the entire thing. Squaresoft knows their audience (At least, they know the Japanese). Bethesda know their audience too, and they catered to them. Their audience simply is not us.
  13. Trithne

    The glaring flaw that is Megaton

    The US didn't revert. In the Fallout universe, that style remained the standard. We didn't invent the microchip, miniaturisation didn't get far. It's meant to be the future as the 50's saw it.
  14. Trithne

    Point Lookout screenshots

    I hate the Unreal 3 engine and variants, including Gamebryo. For such a cutting-edge engine, why does it look like utter garbage with popup and soup textures, while Tech4 and Source, both 5 or so years old now, looked and worked far better?
  15. Trithne

    Three things I honestly don't get in Fallout 3.

    Look, the vast majority of the towns in the game are just too damn small. Never mind the 200 years thing, after 20 years you'd see larger settlements than that. Megaton would be fine if it had say a tower or two at the gate, and a food source. Rivet city is actually good. Everywhere else is...