First time out of the vault

Lazlo said:I agree dying should be brutal, but you do have to take into account just how easy dying is in Fallout. Even with reasonable endurance, all it takes is one lucky 10mm burst to get blown to shreds.
I agree here. There is a fine line between hardcore and TOO hardcore.
I've played my fair share of full loot PvP games. Never heard of any though, however that not only allowed players that killed you to take everything you had, but also sometimes meant you needed to remake a character because of it.
-ONE- exception, and that was diablo, in hardcore mode. And in that game, a player had to be in town, declare PvP on you, (which showed up on your screen in big flashing lights) and then find you. And if you didn't want any of that action, you could leave the game right there.
From the full loot games I have played, you get plenty of that adrenaline rush from the risk of simply losing your stuff. But if you died, you bit your lip, counted your losses, and went on with that same character (usually with a healthy amount of backup gear from a bank). You never had to say, well, I'm screwed, time to remake my character and start from scratch.
Just my 2 cents there.