Recent content by Ulysses (Courier 5)

  1. Ulysses (Courier 5)

    The Male Sole Survivor from Fallout 4 is Canonically a War Criminal

    Agreed 100%, But this just goes to show how dumb Emil is when even the Bethesda fans of fallout are fighting back. :rofl:
  2. Ulysses (Courier 5)

    Fallout TV show coming 2024, featuring Vault 33 in Los Angeles

    - This message rings true more now then ever considering this mess
  3. Ulysses (Courier 5)

    Fallout TV show coming 2024, featuring Vault 33 in Los Angeles

    I wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t, Bethesda was dead to me after fallout 4, the way they treat both the lore of the elder scrolls and fallout is fucking disgusting. Just look at the piss poor job they did with starfield and fallout 76, This is a company that doesn’t know what there doing and...
  4. Ulysses (Courier 5)

    Fallout TV show coming 2024, featuring Vault 33 in Los Angeles

    Jesus fucking christ what a shit show, the amount of retcons from the orignal games and NV where staggering. I knew this show was gonna be shit when the trailer was released. Bethesda had to piss on the grave of the real fallout games and then light a match to burn them for that cherry on top...
  5. Ulysses (Courier 5)

    Obsidian repeatedly declined by Bethesda to do more spinoffs for their games

    Bethesda has been up their own ass for the longest time. and with the release of Starfield proves the point even more.The fact they declined Obsidian a chance to develop a fallout or an elder scrolls shows there scared to be shown how to do there games right.
  6. Ulysses (Courier 5)

    Chris Avellone was falsly accused, accussers had no intent

    Jesus, i can tell i have been out of the loop. Well i am glad to see dear Chris cleared of the totally bullshit. after some of the shit with these kind of accusations that come out as false you would think people would learn to do more digging to you know investigate. But they fucking don't and...
  7. Ulysses (Courier 5)

    Stance on the 80 year gap between Fallout 1 and 2?

    I can see the reasons why you don't like the time jump, I would agree that 40 years would be a sensible jump for the two games. But at the same time I dont mind it either since the story for fallout 2 was really well rounded.
  8. Ulysses (Courier 5)

    How did you discover Fallout ?

    There's a so much wrong with fallout 4 from the factions to i don't even want to begin it hurts. Fallout 3 has its flaws major ones but there bits of fake gold in that turd at least. so yes fallout 4 does not exist at all.
  9. Ulysses (Courier 5)

    How did you discover Fallout ?

    My dad is a big RPG guy, grew up with him playing games like fallout 1 & 2 and got my start that way played the games sometime later on my own and fell in love. I was aware of fallout 3 and picked it up for the xbox 360 in one of those Walmart bargain bins for like 20 bucks and was a meh...
  10. Ulysses (Courier 5)

    Things you like from Fallout 3

    There a just few things I like about fallout 3 which would be the world itself buildings, The general feel that the world is dead for the most part. the pitt and point lookout are good dlc's considering on what fallout 3 is. Other then that not much the world all though good like someone pointed...
  11. Ulysses (Courier 5)

    Can we talk about how bad the Fallout 4 trailer was.

    Yeah the trailer was pretty bad looking back on it. It just goes to show how much Bethesda tried to make this game more then what it was. sad really
  12. Ulysses (Courier 5)

    Reddit's thoughts on Fallout 3

    You got that right its such a shame to see it like this.
  13. Ulysses (Courier 5)

    Reddit's thoughts on Fallout 3

    Very likely there where beats that were stolen from other fallout games by Bethesda. Look at the similarity to fallout New Vegas and Fallout 4's factions. Todd Howard looked at that idea and was like "hmm yes that is original we shall use it for are twisted shallow story." Not only that but...
  14. Ulysses (Courier 5)

    Reddit's thoughts on Fallout 3

    Oh dear lord i had forgot about that. :???: Bethesda's thinking is so ass backwards in terms of the lore for fallout it hurts.
  15. Ulysses (Courier 5)

    Reddit's thoughts on Fallout 3

    Keep them coming without there username and stuff of course this is gold. To fire back here i am gonna say a few things, How much did Bethesda butcher the lore with the brotherhood being on the east coast and the enclave as well hmm. let's not forget the whole situation with jet. How about the...