Recent content by Unorthodox Outlander

  1. U

    Fallout 76

    ...Bit of an idle thought, but do you think that they'd make it possible to take the codes off of other players' corpses? I'm almost imagining a few people trying to grab all the codes and hide them away to keep the 'tards from nuking everything.
  2. U

    Fallout Officially is Bethesda/Dead

    I actually rather LIKED the first-person style in New Vegas...
  3. U

    Fallout 2 vs New Vegas

    Hopefully they still would've avoided the boring turn-based combat. I don't necessarily mind isometric gameplay, but turns are better for games with a heavy emphasis on grand strategy rather than individual units.
  4. U

    Fallout Officially is Bethesda/Dead

    Fallout. IN SPAAAACEEEEE. Somebody just put it out of its misery. Please, just get it over with.
  5. U

    Gripes by the Number: New Vegas nonsense

    Right... He knows to much, we have to silence him! In all honesty it's kind of understandable. It wouldn't exactly be fun to run out of things to shoot. Either that or increasing the number that are pre-spawned and mucking about from the get-go... The gamebryo engine would probably commit...
  6. U

    Fallout Officially is Bethesda/Dead

    ...Picture's broken for me, what is it? Just curious, is all.
  7. U

    Fallout Officially is Bethesda/Dead

    I have to admit that the cookbook does look interesting--I suppose the question is whether it actually has anything beyond generic recipes.
  8. U

    Fallout 2 vs New Vegas

    New Vegas has a more interesting story in my opinion, and the gameplay seems much more enjoyable. Suffice it to say, I'm not particularly fond of turn-based combat outside of strategy games.
  9. U

    Gripes by the Number: New Vegas nonsense

    ...Sir, are you drunk? Or high? Maybe a bit lean when it comes to intelligence? All of the above? Because boy, them's fighting words around here.
  10. U

    Why Robert Edwin House is the best hope for the wasteland and humanity

    That seems like a rather arbitrary way of seeing things.
  11. U

    I love Dead Money (First time played through it)

    ...So the possibility of getting a casino is worse than enabling an army of slavers with a cult-of-personality-type-leader, with the eventual enslavement of most of the locals and overall abandonment of technology in spite of all common sense? I'm a tad bit confused as to your reasoning there...
  12. U

    I love Dead Money (First time played through it)

    It's an overall good DLC. Difficult, but not impossible. A nice, serious story that managed to balance out what is told up-front, and what you have to dig deeper for. Decent enough characters (although the fact that I had to redo the entire DLC for the best ending that first time because...
  13. U

    Bouncing Around Fallout 3 fanfic ideas

    I OBJECT! The lady simply needs to get a bit more practice/experience/knowledge before making an attempt. My advice? Spacebattles. Plenty of writers there who've done a lot of decent fanfics, and you'll get some actual criticism/advice as opposed to the shitty section of a thousand "BEST THING...