(although the fact that I had to redo the entire DLC for the best ending that first time because somebody simply can't handle a barter check or two and my own ignorance before looking the details up later... kinda ticks me off a smidge).
Were you talking about possibly saving Dean Domino? Not sure how it is supposed to happen, I thought I was decent enough to the man even if I used some explosives/barter conversations. He was the one playing a rigged chair, not my character after all. I was nice enough after that, wanting to make him talk and all. Even activated some holograms for him when I was already pretty sure he had a angle, and woudn't do the same for my character or anyone else.
However it's not the point. After hearing his all con from him, his obsession for a man who died and can't give a damn either way, and seeing he was basically asking for a good old settling the score between him and my character, I didn't even think of 'reasonning' him. Why would I do that when he doesn't at all? Didn't seem like a 'bad' or lesser end to me, and though I don't know what happen if he survive, well it's the all point. The best end is the very first you got, the one without metagaming, and if for some reason it make you feel bad/sad, though it wasn't my case for Dino, then it's even better.
Dean is a great character anyway, regardless of his ending, I wish there were more like him in the main game.
A DLC set in Arizona or a Caesar's Legion controlled region would have been nice to help expand on that faction.
I myself still hold the wish of creating an expansion based on Tibbet's from Van Buren. The player is accidentally captured by robot guards (the robots mistook the player for an escaped prisoner because of his pipboy) and now the player must either organize a prison break or help the computer warden round up all the prisoners because it might not actually be a good idea of letting these people loose in the wasteland (they are all infected with Limit 113/The New Plague).
I still think instead of a too much wacky and boring expansion taking you to a new map, they could have use OWB ressources/dev time on bringing to life the settlements controled by the legion east of the river. Don't know if it would have made the legion really different to my eyes, I think I already figured why most people would 'live" under legion's rules. From traders like Barton or Cassidy in game, the legion is so efficient at butchering and striking fear that even the worst raiders are wetting their pants in front of them. The concept of security versus liberty is nothing new, the NCR make use of it as well, only in apparent more 'civilized' ways. (publicly that is. Sound familiar right?)
Still, more legion content would have been nice, if only to try digging a little deeper when the game take you east of the river.
But what I think I would really want, it would be a independant ending where Yes man doesn't hold your hand so much, and that you can even screw up by getting on a cross at the end, or killed by a NCR platoon, as a result of mistakes made in game.
I don't know, I personally don't give a damn about the political climax or choices, all I care about since the game don't give me the choice to just walk away, it's to 'get even' with the likes of the NCR or the legion, fuck them out of everything for a change, and watch them go back to where they came from with a big block between their ass, having troubles to even walk. I don't even want to try their endings. Mr House has more right to his claims, if only because he was here first and saved what he could when the bomb fall. He remind me too much of a fucking ceo, and in his way he is a relic of the old world, but I will try his ending. Independant is my personal canon though, since it's the first I got.
Anyway, I am thinking of trying OWB one more/last time, but as a speed run challenge, now that I grosso modo know where everything to 'fix' Moebius is. Still in the preparations phase but I will make a topic if I manage to make it in a few hours top.