Recent content by Urban Predator

  1. U

    Any armorers/blacksmiths on here?

    I would have thought the sp2>sp3 orbital hybridization change, if it were to take place under impact, assuming one could of course, manufacture sufficient quantities of sufficiently defect-free graphene sheets would probably need significantly higher pressure over a much smaller area than is...
  2. U

    Any armorers/blacksmiths on here?

    As far as armor (modern armor, that is) hardening in reaction to an impact to disperse forces, haven't they experimented with rheopectic gels? I seem to recall so. Thixotropic materials, the inverse of (and much commoner than) rheopectic compounds start out gelatinous and when exposed to a...
  3. U

    Losing vehicle problem, really need a solution to this, special encounter

    Got rather a big problem here. I saved the game beforehand thankfully, and have tried going on foot, but it doesn't seem to turn up then. The canadian invasion special encounter, to pick up the acid-thrower and a lot of lightweight ammo, basically a really, really long range, armor-piercing...
  4. U

    Do You Ever Play As the Opposite Gender?

    Current tactics PC is a female, kinda based on this autie activist chick friend of mine. Focused on stealth, strength, agility (the girl is a special ed kid's gym and acrobatics coach), good intelligence (she's damn smart), main role is as a sniper and close combat specialist. Main weapons are...
  5. U

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    TerminallyChill-not quite sure what to make of that one really, I'll give the video a 7/10 but I can't really judge the song, its rap and a lot different to most rap I've heard. I've got to give it something though at least for not being about niggers, bitches hoes and drive-by shootings :D Its...
  6. U

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    Not half bad, Hassknecht. I'd say 6.5/10. Chimaira-'clayden'. Killer opening riff on this one, and the dark, melodic bass is pretty good too IMO.
  7. U

    Autist Homos dreams

    Crni-don't worry, zegh pointed it out. PM system was just somewhat unintuitive and I'd never used it before so needed to ask someone who had. As for the car analogy, I really don't get it. Wouldn't know, can't drive (here you need to be 5 years seizure free before one can get licensed) Did take...
  8. U

    Inspired by Warhammer 40k

    Well the adeptus mechanicus were sort of given dispensation to go somewhere along the lines of 'bugger worshiping the emperor and a lot freedom to go their own way, to a degree at least.
  9. U

    Autist Homos dreams

    No worries.
  10. U

    Autist Homos dreams

    Not anymore he isn't. He isn't repeatedly referred to as 'odious', or forced to alter people's signatures (no, not our ozzy friend believe it or not. Scrap) to remove references to Scrap's apparent, claimed ancestry by way of a swedish dick sucking whore. Although I have to confess that was...
  11. U

    Autist Homos dreams

    BTW, just how do you send a PM here.
  12. U

    Autist Homos dreams

    Heh I had a weird hunch that it might be you zegh. I think it might have been the styling of the drummer emote that prodded my memory. Had to crossreference the numbers after your name, and that more or less did it. I more or less stay there because of some of the people, there are good people...
  13. U

    Autist Homos dreams

    You seem to be implying the hobos AREN'T just the puppet-creatures of the lizard people? I THOUGHT there was something a bit...different about that old guy in the street beside the cashpoint..I thought currency here was meant to have the queen's head on it, and last time I saw her on the news...
  14. U

    How can you sell someone into slavery in Fallout 2?

    Also, for the caps you get it isn't worth it. Other than slavers, EEEEEVVVERRRYONE absolutely HATES slavers. They are more or less seen as one step above childkillers or the way a PC gets looked at if they pull heat, start striding around a large city and shooting the poor, slitting open...
  15. U

    Autist Homos dreams

    I at no point either said or implied that I was going to burn your house down. If you had any reading comprehension, I simply said that if such an event did in fact occur, the only loss to the world would be to your neighbors if their homes were damaged by the flames. That is a remark relating...