Damn, we need that info here - http://fallout.gamepedia.com/Van_Buren_PnP :)
Thanks for the spot, WorstUsernameEver.
I've taken a liberty of posting this on The Vault. With proper credits, naturally. Hope you don't mind.
So you are from Ukraine (even from Kiev). Good to see a fellow countryman being such an active member of Fallout community. Cheers...
And yes, I'd love to have a chance to take a more detailed photo of some items for The Vault's promotional items articles... But if not, these will do.
Back in 2001 I got my first more-or-less modern PC so I went with my friend to buy some games for it. He suggested me buying FO1 and/or FO2, so I bought both of them. I think those CDs were pirated, but since then I've bought both games on Steam. Eventually, I played FOT and later FO3 and FNV. I...
FO1 --> FO2 --> FNV --> FO3 --> FOT --> ... --> FOBOS
But still, I dislike Kotaku since the day they changed almost all the links in http://kotaku.com/5988935/im-a-mormon-pop-culture-often-mocks-my-faith-but-fallout-treated-it-right from The Vault to Nukapedia. It's even a bit funny when you...