Forums... forums never change. Until they get upgraded...


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
Hey everyone. With Fallout 4 most definitely 100% coming (don't ruin this for me conspiracy theorist naysayers) it seemed like now was the time for an upgrade to the NMA site. This is short notice but we will be doing this tonight at 2:00am GMT-0.

At 2:00am the NMA forums will be disabled so I can back up the database without any new posts coming in (you will not be able to log in or post). After the database is backed up I will be converting/importing it into our shiny new CMS/forum.

I've compiled some potential answers to questions you may have. If you have additional questions, please comment and I will add and address them to this news post.

What is the new forum like? What's it running on?
The new forum is pretty neat but will take some getting used to. I've skinned it and tried to remain faithful to the original NMA colours and design as best I could. You may find some of the colours or formatting weird if I missed certain customizations. If you do, there will be a website bugs forum you can report this in.

The new forum is running vBulletin 4.2.

Can I keep my old password?
The short answer is no. The long answer is... I guess maybe. After the first login I will be forcing a password change on all accounts. The reason for this is security concerns related to the fact this site has been hacked previously and dumps of user data are probably floating around out in the ether somewhere. This is for your protection (and the forum's) but you could probably change your password back if you really wanted to.

Will we still see our old posts?

Will we retain all of our previous (and sometimes custom) user permissions?
Yes, probably. If not, they can be fixed.

When will the site be back up?
Within 24 hours. If this cannot be reasonably accomplished due to technical problems the old site will be brought back up.

Can we still get to the old site?
Yes, the main page as well as the forum will have links to the old NMA site. We haven't been able to migrate the files and galleries over yet, so until then they'll be served from the old site. The old forum will remain locked.

As long as the background is still black/darkgrey/etc, and the letters are white, it is ok.

White/etc background with black/etc letters are a pain to my eyes, the brightness really fucks them hard if I stay around for long.
Should be, I used the exact same colours from this forum. If you find something that's hard to see just let me know.
All hail the mighty tech guys.
See you in another forum, brother.
Makenshi said:
As long as the background is still black/darkgrey/etc, and the letters are white, it is ok.

I love the whole green-yellow thing going on, also, but I have full faith in our Vault-Tec Servicebots.

See you on the other side.
The glorious revolution shall continue!


Onwards to glory comrades! Into the breach!
It probably will be shit. I hate things changing. Change is bad, hmkay.

Lexx said:
It probably will be shit. I hate things changing. Change is bad, hmkay.

It doesn't look shitty but it's a bit different. A lot of people probably aren't going to like it initially or perhaps ever. We have the power to change it though, the customization tools are very robust and not everything has been completed yet.

Overall, I'm very excited to start the upgrade... I should have said I'd do it earlier. Now I'm just waiting!
korindabar said:
Lexx said:
It probably will be shit. I hate things changing. Change is bad, hmkay.

It doesn't look shitty but it's a bit different. A lot of people probably aren't going to like it initially or perhaps ever. We have the power to change it though, the customization tools are very robust and not everything has been completed yet.

Overall, I'm very excited to start the upgrade... I should have said I'd do it earlier. Now I'm just waiting!

Then do it.

Glory to Nemastotzka.
Just think, a whole new frontier of Prosper alts to play whack-a-mole with...

*wistful sigh*
That explains a lot.
Forget about hailing the techguys, then.
Man, I hail people way too easily. Sorry, bad habit.